Okay, so valid points everywhere. Thank you ever so much, and if anyone else notices something, then please, by all means speak up.
Alright, some explanations...
Regarding rescuing Roy, I was going to have it that Hayao was the one to do that - it just gets missed in the more immediate action of Garrick vs Kamjin. I'll just throw in a mention of background chatter to that effect.
Regarding Roy's Sciatic Nerve... I actually did a bit of quick research on this one. I already knew that an injury that cripples one leg would make it difficult for Roy to pilot - this is different from other pilots who've had prosthetic legs in the sense that he will have little control over it in the immediate term and won't be able to work the rudder pedals for a long time.
And I mean it when I said I did my homework. Here's the Sciatic Nerve:
And here's all that Roy will be losing with that nerve:
He may be able to walk again with the help of a brace, but really, his days in the cockpit are over. Unless someone REALLY gets busy on the neural control system.
At the very least, it beats the hell out of being dead. And Hikaru winds up becoming the next leader of Skull Squadron.
I'll think about revising the bit where Garrick jettisoned his missiles... or maybe redo the fight so that Kamjin tries to take advantage of them.
Okay, point taken on the whole cultural treasures thing. I'll go ahead and nix that part - instead they'll just be buried in underground caches. This will free up more cargo spaces for conversion into residential blocks.
And as for the civilian families... I guess I should have been more specific: only the next of kin of people who were already on the SDF-1. That is parents, children, and siblings. Yes, that would mean that a sibling that has a family of their own would get to bring them along, but only their spouse and children. No in-laws.
That said, there's going to be A LOT of children running around. Fortunately, they'll get just enough elderly that know just how to handle them... and also happen to be repositories of skills, lore, and history.
Though exceptions would be made for people that have substantial experience in a field that would be instrumental in helping Humanity re-establish itself in a worse case scenario.
Regarding other Daedalus and Prometheus class ships... From what I was given to understand, the both of them were the first of their kind, not counting the Anti-UN subs that can launch the SV-51's like ballistic missiles. That said, I would expect only one or two each to be operational at this time, and maybe three or four others still under construction.
Regarding Yuki's appearance... Heh! Not quite busty! You have to bear in mind, Funaho was about 16-17 years old then. Besides, I'm going to have it be that Yuki will be one of the more diminutive members of Garricks Wives. She won't mind one bit as a smaller frame is better for the sort of fighting she'll be doing. And if anyone teases her about her lack of cleavage, she'll simply perform some acrobatics that would leave a more well-endowed woman... discombobulated.
"For the record, I had no difficulty at all feeding my children with these. Except that unlike yours, mine don't get in my way."
Otherwise, there will be some similarities there... but the big one will be the eyes. Yuki will have the amethyst-eyes that are practically the trademark of the Masaki Clan.
Regarding Garrick using "As You Wish"... Heh-heh-heh. Minmei hasn't noticed it yet because she's still pissed off. But later when she does realize it, she's gonna kick herself.
Regarding debating with Kamjin... Nah. That's a no win scenario there. Even if Garrick were to systematically destroy Kaifun, I doubt that there's any way to do it without upsetting Minmei. Not until she finally sees him for what he is. And the only thing that's going to convince her is if she sees, in real life, just how effective Kamjin's worldview is when it seems the universe has gone all "Big Trouble in Little China" on him.
Oh, and just one little aside. All this time I've been misspelling Clan Amaki's name. It's not Amake. I noticed this when looking at the kanji for all the other names of the Royal Houses, and each of them have the Kanji for Tree (Ki) for the second character at the end. The only one we don't see this scheme followed is Ai's family name in Ai Tenchi Muyo - and that was arguably not Kajishima-sensei's work.
So, if Garrick's family name were to fit better into the grand scheme of things, he would need a family name to suit. I've done a little bit of work far (using the code insert tool because of the nice fixed character width):
Thoughts? I'm kinda partial to Meiki. Kuroki and Ikaki are pretty straightforward, too... But Kashikoki... That is just plain cool.
Alright, some explanations...
Regarding rescuing Roy, I was going to have it that Hayao was the one to do that - it just gets missed in the more immediate action of Garrick vs Kamjin. I'll just throw in a mention of background chatter to that effect.
Regarding Roy's Sciatic Nerve... I actually did a bit of quick research on this one. I already knew that an injury that cripples one leg would make it difficult for Roy to pilot - this is different from other pilots who've had prosthetic legs in the sense that he will have little control over it in the immediate term and won't be able to work the rudder pedals for a long time.
And I mean it when I said I did my homework. Here's the Sciatic Nerve:
And here's all that Roy will be losing with that nerve:
He may be able to walk again with the help of a brace, but really, his days in the cockpit are over. Unless someone REALLY gets busy on the neural control system.
At the very least, it beats the hell out of being dead. And Hikaru winds up becoming the next leader of Skull Squadron.
I'll think about revising the bit where Garrick jettisoned his missiles... or maybe redo the fight so that Kamjin tries to take advantage of them.

Okay, point taken on the whole cultural treasures thing. I'll go ahead and nix that part - instead they'll just be buried in underground caches. This will free up more cargo spaces for conversion into residential blocks.
And as for the civilian families... I guess I should have been more specific: only the next of kin of people who were already on the SDF-1. That is parents, children, and siblings. Yes, that would mean that a sibling that has a family of their own would get to bring them along, but only their spouse and children. No in-laws.
That said, there's going to be A LOT of children running around. Fortunately, they'll get just enough elderly that know just how to handle them... and also happen to be repositories of skills, lore, and history.
Though exceptions would be made for people that have substantial experience in a field that would be instrumental in helping Humanity re-establish itself in a worse case scenario.
Regarding other Daedalus and Prometheus class ships... From what I was given to understand, the both of them were the first of their kind, not counting the Anti-UN subs that can launch the SV-51's like ballistic missiles. That said, I would expect only one or two each to be operational at this time, and maybe three or four others still under construction.
Regarding Yuki's appearance... Heh! Not quite busty! You have to bear in mind, Funaho was about 16-17 years old then. Besides, I'm going to have it be that Yuki will be one of the more diminutive members of Garricks Wives. She won't mind one bit as a smaller frame is better for the sort of fighting she'll be doing. And if anyone teases her about her lack of cleavage, she'll simply perform some acrobatics that would leave a more well-endowed woman... discombobulated.
"For the record, I had no difficulty at all feeding my children with these. Except that unlike yours, mine don't get in my way."
Otherwise, there will be some similarities there... but the big one will be the eyes. Yuki will have the amethyst-eyes that are practically the trademark of the Masaki Clan.
Regarding Garrick using "As You Wish"... Heh-heh-heh. Minmei hasn't noticed it yet because she's still pissed off. But later when she does realize it, she's gonna kick herself.

Regarding debating with Kamjin... Nah. That's a no win scenario there. Even if Garrick were to systematically destroy Kaifun, I doubt that there's any way to do it without upsetting Minmei. Not until she finally sees him for what he is. And the only thing that's going to convince her is if she sees, in real life, just how effective Kamjin's worldview is when it seems the universe has gone all "Big Trouble in Little China" on him.
Oh, and just one little aside. All this time I've been misspelling Clan Amaki's name. It's not Amake. I noticed this when looking at the kanji for all the other names of the Royal Houses, and each of them have the Kanji for Tree (Ki) for the second character at the end. The only one we don't see this scheme followed is Ai's family name in Ai Tenchi Muyo - and that was arguably not Kajishima-sensei's work.
So, if Garrick's family name were to fit better into the grand scheme of things, he would need a family name to suit. I've done a little bit of work far (using the code insert tool because of the nice fixed character width):
怒木 Ikaki Anger
激木 Gekiki Heavy Tree
夜木 Yoruki Night Tree
黒木 Kuroki Black Wood
暗木 Kuraki Dark Tree
冥木 Meiki Shadow
死木 Shiki Dead Tree
怖木 Kowaki Scary Tree
畏木 Kashikoki Awesome
難木 Nanki Hardwood
悪木 Waruki Bad Tree
迷木 Mayoigi Stray Tree
Thoughts? I'm kinda partial to Meiki. Kuroki and Ikaki are pretty straightforward, too... But Kashikoki... That is just plain cool.