When any leader is fucking up enough that their staff are actively finding creative interpretations of their duties to try to compensate, the situation is serious trouble. When it's a head of state, even more so. When it's your own head of state...
All I can do is wish them the best, and hope that either the situation does actually improve, or they get the thumb out on the 25th Amendment. It's already going to be decades before we can repair the harm that blithering numpty has done to America's prestige and credibility among the other nations of the world.
All I can do is wish them the best, and hope that either the situation does actually improve, or they get the thumb out on the 25th Amendment. It's already going to be decades before we can repair the harm that blithering numpty has done to America's prestige and credibility among the other nations of the world.
‎noli esse culus
‎noli esse culus