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Perhaps Trump doesn't know that editorials are traditionally unsigned
RE: Perhaps Trump doesn't know that editorials are traditionally unsigned
Given that the editorial was printed in the local Newspaper of record - which would be subject to Irish libel laws if there were any falsehoods therein - and nobody's bothered to launch such a suit.

That The Irish Times published it is indication that there is, at least, enough truth in their to go before some crusty old cunt in a wig and make an argument - and expect to reliably win that argument to boot.

Get out of the US-Russia bubble where everyone's pushing an agenda and you'll see that very little coverage is positive for Trump. He is universally thought of as a buffoon - as the Presidental equivelant of that shithead kid who's never been slapped by his mammy asnd thinks that the only way to win is if everyone else looses and doing so by negotiating with utmost bad faith. That's basically Trump's policy right there.

And it's already cost the US trade. It's already cost the US economy money. And it's not the nailmakers and heavy industry stuff - it's the fucking farmers that took the hit.

The EU and Japan signed a massive deal with each other - one which took years of give and take negotiation.

Rumour is, those dairy products Japan's happy to buy from the EU, were originally supposed to be Wisconsin dairy products. All the concessions Japan had been happy to make to the US as part of the Pacific agreement, we got them. You lost that. You lost that deal because your president wouldn't make it, he wouldn't give anything back to Japan. The EU meanwhiile agreed to reduce tariffs on Japanese cars. This is generally considered a win for both parties. Ireland especially has gotten somebody willing to buy up a lot of pork and cheese - and we get cheaper Toyotas and a Toyota is a great car let me tell you. Those Toyota people really know how to make good cars.

And even the deal he's 'forced' the EU to accept is an utterly bad deal for him. He 'forced' the EU to remove tarriffs on products the EU doesn't really need or want to import, in exchange for reducing tarriffs on things the EU does want to export. That doesn't sound like a good deal to me. It sounds like a fairly bad deal really. This is the guy who thinks the whole world is giving America bad deals and then this is the sort of good deal he makes.

It sounds like the sorta deal made by a man who's way of making a little money is to start out with a lot of money. Repeatedly.

It seems utterly ludicrous that anyone can think he's doing a 'good' job when really he's been utterly fucking cuk'd by just about every world leader he's met.

Now don't get me wrong - I get why people support him. I made 200 quid betting on him to win because I copped it. The government that promised change didn't especially change fuck all, while merrily droning the neighbours of every terrorist they met. It feels like life is getting worse for a lot of people through know fault of their own.

But Trumpanomics is basically the art of putting a gun to your own head and telling everyone they'll have to clean up the mess if you pull the trigger. The rest of the World just puts down newspaper.
Oh sweet meteor of death
Fall upon us.
Deliver us in fire
To Peace everlasting.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Perhaps Trump doesn't know that editorials are traditionally unsigned - by Dartz - 09-08-2018, 11:16 AM

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