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Crossovers That Should Not Be 22: Pushing it over the Hedge.
RE: Crossovers That Should Not Be 22: Pushing it over the Hedge.
So, that would be a satellite unimatrix formed from a set of half-sisters that were assimilated as a group, sent on an information-gathering mission to Federation space with the cover of being a team to enter the 2366 Minor League Baseball season? But unexpectedly, the Starfleet liaison assigned as their diplomatic guide is none other than the son of their mutual father's first wife, unrelated by blood to any of them but no less than five of his great-grandparents were James (or Janet) T. Kirk.

(There was an incident with a chroniton flux in subspace that resulted in a transporter matter stream being split and duplicated across the dimensional manifold... but that is a story for Cool another time)
‎noli esse culus

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RE: Crossovers That Should Not Be 22: Pushing it over the Hedge. - by classicdrogn - 09-27-2018, 08:23 AM

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