Man, at this point after getting hit by a hit&run idiot (truly, by his own words in an interview he's an idiot. To avoid a very minor ticket and modest he instead committed a hit and run followed by a few felonies that will likely send him to jail few several years when it reaches court), various friends at work, and this, I have zero sympathy for anyone who commits a hit & run. Hopefully your lawyer takes all involved (but especially the driver) all the way to the squeezing blood from a stone stage. Of course I'm probably also a bit grumpy from almost being hit by a person making a U-turn and seeing an due-to-stupidity collision on the way to work (A: don't tail gate, B: if you're tail gating behind a van that blocks your view don't make a blind turn left across oncoming traffic).
Will the transhumanist future have catgirls? Does Japan still exist? Well, there is your answer.