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Trump builds that wall ... out of troops
RE: Trump builds that wall ... out of troops
Think of it this way: It's probably CHEAPER than sending National Guard to the border.

One month of active duty service, with hazard pay, plus other benefits like housing pay, subsistence pay... That shit will add up fast, especially considering that they're probably going to be sending in mainly E-4 and above - you know, the ones they can trust not to just shoot at the first thing that makes a sound.

And this is to say nothing of the logistics. Food, weapons, ammunition, vehicles... all the kit the US Army uses on a deployment. That's what's going to the border. And no amount of "Oh, but they're not gonna do anything" is gonna change that price tag.

So, it comes to this: either spend money for our troops to stand around in the desert with their dicks in their hands, or spend money training up a potential workforce to fill in jobs that have been horrifically high demand for more than ten years now.

Look, I get that you feel that we got an issue with employment and wages in this country. But you know what? The issue with that lays mainly in how corporations are regulated in this country. And if you want to have a Laissez Faire economy, then you had better be damn well prepared to be the lowest bidder in the labor market.

If your issue is with wages, then for fucks sake, treat the disease itself by calling on the government to raise the minimum wage to an actual living wage. God knows we need more people in this country that can actually pay their taxes and not just loan their money to the IRS for a few months. And you know what the best part is? For everyone that can pay their taxes, that's one less person that's on welfare, which means that it's less money our government has to spend on keeping Americans from dying in the streets.

Honestly, I say if we got four-thousand people coming to this country because they don't want to live in fear of having their throats slit in the night because the drug lord next door wants to use their land to grow more coke, then I say we take them in and make them into hard working, law-abiding, tax paying, patriotic members of this country.

Or, you know, you can just toss them back over the border and tell Mexico that it's their mess. But it's not. It's our mess because we're the idiots that were fucking didling around in their country in the name of Dollar Diplomacy. (Don't believe me? Look it up. This shit is just our own mess coming back to haunt us.)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Trump builds that wall ... out of troops - by Black Aeronaut - 10-25-2018, 08:20 AM

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