(11-04-2018, 03:02 PM)Labster Wrote: Is the reason that this should not be is that it would be boring, or is it because Dave Letterman would do an Umi-Ami joke? Those two stories are close enough in scope and tone that I'd consider them a natural crossover; the only difference would be that when Ami got back home, she'd be fighting Nehelenia in a giant mecha. Unless the rest of the Senshi manage to Sailor Teleport into Cephiro, which means that saving Emeraude is back on the table.
The should-not-be swap that's obviously here is replacing Esmeraude of the Black Moon Clan with Princess Emeraude of Cephiro.
Sorry about that, I meant to post it in the "Should Be" thread, but accidentally posted it here. My bad. *Shrug*