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Home Construction, Was: [U.S.] Protest Thursday - Nobody is Above the Law
RE: [U.S.] Protest Thursday - Nobody is Above the Law
We had a similar problem down here in Australia about a decade back, where people building homes with a complete lack of sense led to massive wildfires getting into towns. On top of this, the greens block in state and federal governments was preventing common sense measures like planned burnoffs and landscaping around towns because 'THINK OF THE ENVIRONMENT!' (While ignoring the reality that burnoffs are a natural thing that stops it from escalating to wildfire levels). Since then, there's been massive changes in legislation about house construction, zoning laws, landscaping, evacuation requirements and so on. But there's still the awareness that it might not be enough the next time nature decides to burn our asses off.

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RE: [U.S.] Protest Thursday - Nobody is Above the Law - by Matrix Dragon - 11-10-2018, 05:39 PM

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