(11-12-2018, 10:49 AM)robkelk Wrote: No, they aren't evil. Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
As for the effects of climate change, look at Puerto Rico, or southern California, or Alaska, and tell me how we haven't already reached "later".
Do not make the mistake of attributing to stupidity when malice or the depraved, reckless disregard of consequences to others to the benefit of one's self are perfectly adequate.
IANAL etc., but make no mistake, 'I acted without consideration of how this would impact others' is not a valid legal defense in the US, and 'I acted without knowledge of the likely consequences' is a defense only when your ignorance is reasonable. Any sensible government has a massive infrastructure that's telling it what is going on and what are the likely results of any given action, so it doesn't get that defense either no matter how much the politicians in charge want to.