The Wall will be no more effective than the existice fence. Or the Rio Grande.
From that perspective - if it is ludicrously ineffective - it does make an effective foily to provide 'work' in lireu of welfare. But, historically, that shit is callously close to an actual historical occurance here where people were worked to death for meagre pay rather than just being fed for a fucking year.... because someone disliked the idea of fucking with a free market.
From that perspective - if it is ludicrously ineffective - it does make an effective foily to provide 'work' in lireu of welfare. But, historically, that shit is callously close to an actual historical occurance here where people were worked to death for meagre pay rather than just being fed for a fucking year.... because someone disliked the idea of fucking with a free market.
Oh sweet meteor of death
Fall upon us.
Deliver us in fire
To Peace everlasting.
Fall upon us.
Deliver us in fire
To Peace everlasting.