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Oh, Disney, did you really expect there wouldn't be backlash from this?
RE: Oh, Disney, did you really expect there wouldn't be backlash from this?
(12-25-2018, 09:07 PM)Rajvik Wrote: my question is, why didn't this suit take place back when the animated version of the movie came out? (its a semi-rhetorical question)
answer as i figure it, the orriginal movie made so much damn money that now with the remake someone sees their chance to cash in. (but this is because i'm an asshole, so what do i know)

More like the Swahili speaking population of Africa didn't care, because they had other things to worry about.

Complaining about your rights being abused, especially in so nebulous a manner as cultural appropriation, only starts getting important enough when you have the means to make those complaints. A population that is starving will care less about their own rights as long as it means they're not going to starve.

Of course, once a population has established sufficient food security and no longer needs to worry about starving that doesn't mean that they instantly start thinking about whatever rights they let be abused. That takes time. Scars take a while to heal, and often need a new generation before they start being addressed.

All of this of course doesn't mean that the one suing Disney for cultural appropriation isn't thinking he can cash in or something with this suit. It's quite possible.

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RE: Oh, Disney, did you really expect there wouldn't be backlash from this? - by hazard - 12-26-2018, 05:24 AM

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