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[OOC][Brainstorming] Intelligent Devices for non-"Lyrical Nanoha" mages
[OOC][Brainstorming] Intelligent Devices for non-"Lyrical Nanoha" mages
Black Aeronaut mentioned in a recent post in another thread that he expects the Sailor Senshi will end up with Lyrical Nanoha style Devices eventually. This thread is to brainstorm what those Devices might be... and we may as well generalize it to all the spellcasters. As usual with brainstorming sessions, no idea is too off-the-wall to not mention, although some ideas might be quietly dropped from consideration because they go in odd directions.

Let's start off with a list of what I'd like to discuss to begin with. Brainstorming sessions often go off on tangents, and that's a good thing, but we need a starting point for the tangents to go off from.

As I understand it, the average Midchildan or Belkan Intelligent Device (and the above-average ones like Raising Heart, Bardiche, and Graf Eisen) assist their masters by casting minor spells (usually but not always defensive) by drawing upon their masters' magical power reserves, and help with their masters' mathematical calculations for the really big spells. I don't know how much help the Sailor Senshi, or Sakura and Shaoran, or the Fate/Stay Night mages, or the Madoka Magica girls would get from that sort of device, since their magic doesn't appear to have a mathematical component. (Also, Ami already has the Mercury Computer.)

(Interestingly, some of the Academy City espers might find this sort of Device useful, since some Skills - including Electromaster, Teleport, and Aero Hand - have mathematical components in their use. Washuu-chan might have already implanted the equivalent of one in Accelerator to offset the brain damage he took in canon when he was shot while healing Last Order.)

However, the Belkans had something else which the Senshi could use: Unison Devices. A well-designed Unison Device offsets its master's weaknesses and supports its master's strengths, at the cost of having two minds in one body. And we've seen an example of the dangers of a malfunctioning Unison Device: the control program of the Book of Darkness before Hayate renamed it "Reinforce".

Who would risk using a Unison Device? (Consider that the TSAB isn't around to help debug them... but Washuu-chan is.) And what would they do, and what would their personalities be like?

Of the Sailor Senshi, only Usagi has flight capability - and that's winged flight, no hovering. Hyoga is also a winged flyer. Sakura can fly (and hover) with The Fly. Kero-chan and Yue can fly. Everybody else is grounded... so flight capability would be useful.

Defense would be good - most of the mages in the setting are glass-cannons, compared to the average metahuman. (Hyoga's the obvious exception here - you'd almost think she was a Evangelion Angel, not a Judeo-Christian one.) But what sort of defense?

And what else would be useful?

The floor is now open for discussion.
Rob Kelk

Sticks and stones can break your bones,
But words can break your heart.
- unknown

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[OOC][Brainstorming] Intelligent Devices for non-"Lyrical Nanoha" mages - by robkelk - 12-27-2018, 11:09 PM

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