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Update Thread 40: I'm Running Out of Clever Names
RE: Update Thread 40: I'm Running Out of Clever Names
In the song The World Was Wide Enough, Lin-Manuel Miranda Wrote:Legacy. What is a legacy?
It’s planting seeds in a garden you never get to see
I wrote some notes at the beginning of a song someone will sing for me
America, you great unfinished symphony, you sent for me
You let me make a difference
A place where even orphan immigrants
Can leave their fingerprints and rise up...

And on that note, A Thing of Vikings continues!

Origins of the Grand Thing, Edinburgh Press, 1631 Wrote:The roots of the foundational Imperial welfare institutions that provide food, shelter, education and medical care to all Imperial citizens predate the beginnings of the Dragon Era by nearly eighty years, dating back to the middle reign of Stoick's grandfather, Chief Hiccup II.  Despite a tumultuous early reign, Hiccup II's grip on power stabilized during the AD 960s, and with the aid of his friend and confidant, the scribe Dror ben Ezra, he began a period of systematic cultural change; the ad hoc literacy classes that Dror had been holding were formalized and made mandatory for all children, a yearly census was instituted that also functioned as a minor form of taxation, and the formerly orally transmitted laws were scribed and codified. As part of that codification, the Hooligans took the earlier basic necessities that they had provided to temporarily homeless or destitute members of the tribe and made them universal, with Dror drawing on his Judaic background and training for direction in how to implement them...

[…] These educational and welfare systems became one of the core pillars of the Imperial social contract between the State and its citizens; there is no question that, without the economic pump-priming and social cohesion that they created, the young North Sea Empire would have never survived its initial challenges…

In Vedrarfjord, Hiccup III brings Bladewit to meet the new arrivals from Rouen. On Berk, Toiréasa has a meeting she's been dreading. In Constantinople, Sigurd witnesses some demotions and some promotions, mostly welcome. In Roskilde, Markus Ulversson meets his new king. On the Ashkelon as it traverses the English Channel waveskimmer-style, Viggo updates and organizes his notes on the Hooligans. Back on Berk, Wulfhild worries about the expansion the Eirish annexation will mean to her duties as almoner. At a party in Constantinople, Sigurd finds himself at the center of some unscheduled entertainment. Returning to Berk, Jonna stands in the godswood sacred grove to take the Joms' alliance with the Hooligans to a level she never expected. And finally, in the Alban village of Bun Ilidh, Mildew has a side-job to perform for Mac Bethad's spymaster...

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RE: Update Thread 40: I'm Running Out of Clever Names - by Mamorien - 01-13-2019, 05:43 PM

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