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Possible cure for Alzheimer's?
Possible cure for Alzheimer's?
New Scientist: We may finally know what causes Alzheimer’s – and how to stop it

tl;dr: Possibly caused by the same bacteria that causes gum disease, maybe. And the report mentions a possible cure for gum disease - that is showing some signs of also treating Alzheimer’s - is currently being tested.
Rob Kelk

Sticks and stones can break your bones,
But words can break your heart.
- unknown

Messages In This Thread
Possible cure for Alzheimer's? - by robkelk - 01-25-2019, 07:45 AM
RE: Possible cure for Alzheimer's? - by Epsilon - 01-25-2019, 08:36 AM
RE: Possible cure for Alzheimer's? - by Labster - 01-27-2019, 02:56 AM
RE: Possible cure for Alzheimer's? - by robkelk - 01-27-2019, 11:17 AM
RE: Possible cure for Alzheimer's? - by hazard - 01-27-2019, 08:20 AM
RE: Possible cure for Alzheimer's? - by robkelk - 01-27-2019, 07:39 PM

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