(01-25-2019, 10:05 PM)robkelk Wrote: They did come up with something, back on December 22. I've been lead to believe that that's what's in today's agreement - can anyone confirm or refute this?
That is what I'm hearing from all the major news outlets that I follow.
Well, I don't follow Fox News.
As for a new strike by the ATCs? I'm not sure firing them all again would be a good idea. The number of ATCs appears to be about equal to the 1981 numbers, but air traffic numbers are much greater than they were then. And in 1981 they had to scrap 50% of all the flights, while the current trade union, NATCA, notes that there's a current chronic staffing shortage due to the demands of the job and relatively low salaries gaining them few recruits. It also took a decade to restaff the air traffic control systems rather than the 2 years that were expected.
I'd expect some major repercussions in passenger traffic at minimum, long term repercussions, should such a thing happen, majorly impacting all tourism in the US.