(01-30-2019, 05:44 AM)Labster Wrote: They attempt to argue with you even though we don't share enough of a world view to even agree on the same facts.
So much this it's not even funny. As a monkey whose gong fu is strong observed of one Dubya speech from the War on Some Terror:
John Rogers Wrote:The Spain-to-Indonesia thing should automatically invalidate the whole speech. I don't care how good your investment advisor is, he can spend three hours reviewing mutual funds, as soon as he says "And of course, we can put your money into the Easter Bunny's Egg Upgrades", he is out of (there).
If I had time, patience, and a stronger stomach, I'd go through Rajvik's posts looking for all the places to say something similar to Rogers' "I am not spotting him eight hundred million Hindus"; someday, if I get bored enough, I might do it anyway, just in private atonement for an unremembered past.
Quote:Arguing is fun but we're getting nowhere.
I'm not even having fun watching it, let alone when my self-control slips and he says something so jaw-dropping that I can't in good conscience stay silent. That we're getting nowhere is an immutable fact you are stating for the record.