If Britain was afraid of that their representatives should've ousted Theresa May much, much earlier or refused to work with her. That they haven't means they do not believe Theresa May has not offered the best possible job she could've in the interest of the British people.
But Donald Tusk has an excellent point. What idiotic government basically breaks dozens of treaties, all of which with considerable impact on their economy and government bodies, at the same time without first arranging alternatives. There is no Brexit plan. Some plans have been proposed, but Parliament has shouted and voted those down. Which means that if something isn't done in 50 days, either Britain begging the EU to cancel Brexit or implementing a plan the EU is willing to work with, a no-deal Brexit occurs.
And if Britain thought having to deal with the EU was bad while within it, they may find that any of the above 3 options much, much worse. If Britain asks the EU to cancel Brexit the EU might say no. It has that right. If it says yes, Britain will have burned a lot of its political capital in the past two years and it will take a decade or more to reclaim it. If it implements the EU's plan it basically capitulates to the EU, remaining part of many of the key treaties but now completely lacking in the ability to influence the EU's policy. And with a no-deal Brexit Britain will have to deal with the fact that most of its exports go towards EU trading partners. Which are now subject to customs checks, duties and tariffs. And the EU? Has a much, much larger internal market to work with to absorb any such disruption and refocus its trade on.
But Donald Tusk has an excellent point. What idiotic government basically breaks dozens of treaties, all of which with considerable impact on their economy and government bodies, at the same time without first arranging alternatives. There is no Brexit plan. Some plans have been proposed, but Parliament has shouted and voted those down. Which means that if something isn't done in 50 days, either Britain begging the EU to cancel Brexit or implementing a plan the EU is willing to work with, a no-deal Brexit occurs.
And if Britain thought having to deal with the EU was bad while within it, they may find that any of the above 3 options much, much worse. If Britain asks the EU to cancel Brexit the EU might say no. It has that right. If it says yes, Britain will have burned a lot of its political capital in the past two years and it will take a decade or more to reclaim it. If it implements the EU's plan it basically capitulates to the EU, remaining part of many of the key treaties but now completely lacking in the ability to influence the EU's policy. And with a no-deal Brexit Britain will have to deal with the fact that most of its exports go towards EU trading partners. Which are now subject to customs checks, duties and tariffs. And the EU? Has a much, much larger internal market to work with to absorb any such disruption and refocus its trade on.