Rajvik, the whole thing with BREXIT was a dumpster fire from the word 'Go'. There is simply no dressing it up. The people that were pushing it wanted, as Dartz said, to leave the club and stop paying their dues, but still have all the benefits.
And you never addressed Dartz's rebuttal.
Maybe they had some idea of a plan. But that plan has been squabbled over in the exact same way that the Republicans have squabbled over whatever the hell they're gonna replace 'Obamacare' 'Romneycare' with.
The thing is, they completely put the cart before the horse. They did this referendum knowing full-well that, if it came back as being "For BREXIT", then they'd have to have a plan of action. But they didn't have one. At least, nothing that they agreed on. And it doesn't matter how you slice it - if you don't have a plan of action in place before you actually need it, then you are plain and simply unprepared for what's to come. QED.
Put it this way: do you just go and rob a bank without some kind of master plan? Even "Go in, guns blazing, smash and grab, get the money and RUN!" is more of a plan than what Britain's parliament had - which was precisely NOTHING. It didn't matter if one person had a plan, or if a thousand people each had a plan. The issue was they didn't have a plan that they could agree on, and therefore there was no plan.
I mean, they literally were like this:
1) Cry and moan about how the EU is being unfair to them.
2) Vote BREXIT
3) ???????
Literally. That.
That's not a plan. That's crying about losing your hand to the heavy machinery because you didn't have a goddamn lick of common sense. (Which showed in and of the populace in general with the collective outcry of , "But I didn't think it actually mattered!" in the wake of the referendum.)
There was no plan. Only vague ideas about a plan. No more, no less. End of story.
And you never addressed Dartz's rebuttal.
Maybe they had some idea of a plan. But that plan has been squabbled over in the exact same way that the Republicans have squabbled over whatever the hell they're gonna replace 'Obamacare' 'Romneycare' with.
The thing is, they completely put the cart before the horse. They did this referendum knowing full-well that, if it came back as being "For BREXIT", then they'd have to have a plan of action. But they didn't have one. At least, nothing that they agreed on. And it doesn't matter how you slice it - if you don't have a plan of action in place before you actually need it, then you are plain and simply unprepared for what's to come. QED.
Put it this way: do you just go and rob a bank without some kind of master plan? Even "Go in, guns blazing, smash and grab, get the money and RUN!" is more of a plan than what Britain's parliament had - which was precisely NOTHING. It didn't matter if one person had a plan, or if a thousand people each had a plan. The issue was they didn't have a plan that they could agree on, and therefore there was no plan.
I mean, they literally were like this:
1) Cry and moan about how the EU is being unfair to them.
2) Vote BREXIT
3) ???????
Literally. That.
That's not a plan. That's crying about losing your hand to the heavy machinery because you didn't have a goddamn lick of common sense. (Which showed in and of the populace in general with the collective outcry of , "But I didn't think it actually mattered!" in the wake of the referendum.)
There was no plan. Only vague ideas about a plan. No more, no less. End of story.