(02-07-2019, 02:41 PM)Rajvik Wrote: Have you stopped and contemplated the possibility that the Brexiters could be in the right on this?
Yes. Much like I contemplated if the Earth could really be flat, six thousand years old and that climate change is not being driven by human activity, that smoking does not cause cancer and evolution is a lie, that trans people are all sexual deviants and all black people are inherently lazy criminals because of the shapes of their skulls.
Then I did this thing were I learned that all these ideas are wrong and the people who have them are at best misinformed useful idiots and at worst outright inhuman monsters who want to follow in Hitler's footsteps.
And for once in your life, don't make this about your precious baby man Trump and his tantrums. Brexit isn't about him. Brexit is Britain's own version of nationalist populist insanity. All the claims of the pro-Brexit side were either lies or misrepresentations and they always have been. The EU was not leaching the UK's power. It was the last gasp of potential for relevance for a tiny nation that is rapidly being out competed by larger and more unified economies.