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[OOC][Brainstorming] Intelligent Devices for non-"Lyrical Nanoha" mages
RE: [OOC][Brainstorming] Intelligent Devices for non-"Lyrical Nanoha" mages
Just did a quick review of the thread so far.

(12-29-2018, 04:54 AM)Labster Wrote: <osaka>Oh, and Chiyo can use her twintails to fly, right guys?</osaka>
You're dreaming again, Osaka-san...

(SI-Rob does not mention his mental image of Chiyo-chan doing Snoopy's helicopter-flight shtick with her twintails.)

As for the list of Intelligent Devices, so far we have:
  • Makoto Kino's "Guardian Jupiter" Unison Device
  • Mimi Hanyu's "Chibi-Mimi" Unison Device
  • Brent Laabs's "Yotsuba Koiwai" Unison Device (capabilities to be determined)
  • Kuroko Shirai's auxiliary control-type Boost Device (itsune9tl suggested a "Bluetooth" earpiece form factor, which I like)

In-progress and new stuff:

Is the Ginzuishou a Device?

The other Senshi need Unison Devices. EDIT: Rei's needs to be able to help her actually see spirits, not merely sense them.

Approaching this matter from the opposite direction: Should we give the 33-Ss and Data some Linker Cores?

Should Kuroko's Boost device give her targeting information? I'm thinking not; judging by her pinpoint aim in canon, she doesn't need it.

Anybody who has a math-heavy magic or esper ability (or gets "E=MC Hammer" math homework, such as the Madoka Magica girls) could also use a math-optimized auxiliary control-type Boost Device - so Mikoto, Ruiko, Kazari, the Misaka Sisters, Accelerator (if he doesn't have one already from Washuu-chan), and Rob could benefit from one each. So could Ami, but she gets a Unison Device eventually. Let's assume Washuu-chan already gave Accelerator one. Rui-chan and Kazari both wear artificial flowers in their hair (one for Ruiko, a headband of them for Kazari), so there's the form-factor for their Boost devices; they'd need a "psionics, not magic" customization to work, since Academy City style espers can't use magic. (Ask Washuu-chan, unless Simon Tam (or River) knows anything about how telepathy works.) The Misaka Sisters' Boost Devices could be retrofit into their HUDs, as long as Kazari's installing the Skuld-tech at the same time... unless we're giving them Intelligent Devices instead.

Intelligent Devices for anybody named Misaka: These are the espers who could most use a classic Midchildan-style Intelligent Device analogue, although they also need that "psionics, not magic" customization.
Standby form: customize to the user's preference
Base Weapon form: functional railgun with a magazine but no visible trigger, as described by Black Aeronaut elsewhere
Base Defense: "Electric Shield", as described for Guardian Jupiter
Base Attack: "Plasma Beam"
Powered Attack (that requires the user and Device to attack in concert): "Plasma Zanber" if Bardiche will share the code for that attack; something analogous but obviously different if he won't
Personality: ... er ... um ... suggestions welcome here. Nothing that would overpower what little personalities the Misaka Sisters have developed, but something more than '50s-sci-fi-B-movie-robot.

Speaking of psi Devices, should River get one?

"Shaoran could probably use a Device, since he relies on ofuda and that compass thingy for a lot of his magic, it might be useful to centralize it -- especially if it can be used as a physical weapon too." He knows how to use a sword...

Could the Magic Knights benefit from Devices? (They have Mashins, but those aren't particularly subtle... or usable indoors most places.)
Rob Kelk

Sticks and stones can break your bones,
But words can break your heart.
- unknown

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RE: [OOC][Brainstorming] Intelligent Devices for non-"Lyrical Nanoha" mages - by robkelk - 02-08-2019, 08:54 PM

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