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Donald Tweets. All Hell breaks loose
RE: Donald Tweets. All Hell breaks loose
Rajvik, the EU isn't going to give more to the UK. The EU, as an organisation, and all its members except the UK don't want the UK to leave. Being kind to the UK is not an option, it'd mean the entire EU would fall over. They've given what they're willing to give the UK. If the UK wants more its options are to remain in the EU, with all rights and duties that come with that, or accept that the EU, now in the position to decide whether or not the UK remains since the UK activated Article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon, just shuts them out.

In the former case, they have to convince the EU that after spending more than two whole years negotiating their exit they're worth keeping, costing them no small political capital even as the EU is likely to remove most of the exceptions the UK has negotiated for itself as a member, or they get told 'that's nice, the line's over there, queue up.' With nearly the same result, except this time, they have to deal with several years to decades of being outside the EU as entry negotiations start all over.

And that's disregarding the possibility that Scotland might demand and receive another 'Leave or Remain in the United Kingdom' referendum, which was hotly contested last time and seems to have ended up with 'Remain' only because it'd have meant seeking entry into the EU after separating as a new member nation, and that Northern Ireland, however unlikely, might decide that joining with Ireland is the better option as in that case, they're no longer outside the EU and a number of very complex matters don't run the risk of coming violently apart.

Messages In This Thread
Donald Tweets. All Hell breaks loose - by Dartz - 02-07-2019, 02:28 PM
RE: Donald Tweets. All Hell breaks loose - by hazard - 02-09-2019, 03:37 PM

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