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[RFC][Sailor Moon][SI] The Final Dream
RE: [RFC][Sailor Moon][SI] The Final Dream
Okay, just an addendum for Season 3 - SI is most likely gonna convert the Witches 5 to their side.  Not entirely sure how it would work out - I actually have to sit down and watch the whole thing.

Season 4...  Definitely going to be turning the Amazon Quartet.  Playing with the idea that they all 'follow the SI home' and wind up getting adopted by his family.  Having been part of a circus, they're used to the nomadic lifestyle that a military family experiences.

As for the Trio...  I have this weird idea that the SI does something funky to their magic - a sort of partial dispelling that ruins Zirconia's hold over them, reverts them back into their animal forms... but doesn't entirely revert their mind OR their powers.  In doing this, the SI finds himself with a personal guard - one for land, one for sea, and one for air.

Being that this is a pretty cut and dry case of revenge/conquest by Nehelenia, SI is gonna call her out for being a cheap knock-off of a Bros. Grimm Fairy Tales villainess.  Her reaction will be entertaining to say the least.

In Season 5, Hotaru will start to distance herself from the SI because she is starting to have memories of her past resurface... in particular, those she has of the last Knight of Void, of whom she was a lover.

In the distant past, just before the collapse of the Moon Empire and Earth Kingdom, Queen Serenity sent her most feared warrior to see for herself if the love between her daughter and Prince Endymion was true.  So the Prince sicced his most potent piece on her...  And after a very short kerfuffle, he takes her out to lunch and then they fall hopelessly in love with each other.

It's not known for certain yet, but it's likely that the SI is a very distant, but direct descendant of that man.  But, the trouble with Voiders is that not only are they unable to enjoy enhanced life spans, they also do not reincarnate.  This is why, for Voiders, death is very important.  They know it is unavoidable and inevitable for them, so they built a culture of living life to the utmost, but also celebrating one's death because they've moved on to whatever waits on the other side.  Earth Kingdom citizens think of them as the bravest of adventurers for this reason.  The voiders themselves called it The Final Dream.

Hotaru starts remembering all of this, and sees the faint echoes in the SI.  And being reminded of her one-time lover, knowing that he never reincarnated, she feels that it is wrong to love the SI, that she's somehow betraying that memory.

While Hotaru slowly pushes the SI away, the story carries on, culminating into the confrontation at the Galaxy Cauldron.  The SI just plain RIPS into Sailor Cosmos, demanding to know, if she truly is Usagi's descendant, then SURELY she's heard his story?  About how he is fated to die no matter what anyone does, and he's only got THIS ONE SHOT at life, and he has to make it count!

And she wants to cut that short!?

Yeah.  It gets ugly.

Once it's all said and done, everyone is back on Earth, taking some time off from everything just to decompress and find themselves again.  THe SI tries to rekindle things with Hotaru, but she shuts him down.  Heartbroken, the SI goes back to his family, and everyone else tries to figure what the hell just happened.

THe SI had become a very important person to them, after all.  He had been making plans to stay there in Japan just to be close to them, His Tribe, His Gente, His 'Ohana.  While it wasn't as though they circled around him, he definitely had enough push and pull to change their orbits entirely.  And then suddenly he turned away from it all.

All eyes turn to Hotaru and she in turn finds herself ostracised.  Only her guardians, Michiru and Haruka talk with her anymore, and even they are gravely disappointed in her.  Once they got past their fear, the SI had his own effect on their lives.  Haruka found him to be an apt pupil as he was fascinated by all things mechanical, and Michiru had been teaching him to play violin ever since he expressed an interest.

Her only other friend was Chibi-usa, and even there, the SI was a very sore topic for them - one they avoided at all costs.

Years go by.  They grow up.

The SI has not been idle.  Stories of a person in darkly colored body armor surface now and then, foiling plots.  The Oklahoma City Bombing stopped before it could happen.  A fully restrained Eric Robert Rudolph is delivered, pipe bombs in hand, to the authorities.  Benjamin Nathaniel Smith's shooting spree is ended the day it started.  The One Plane from the September 11th Attacks managed to land safely, the terrorists taken alive, and thoroughly interrogated.

Terrorism was not his only focus.  Wildfires were contained as massive fire breaks suddenly appeared.  People are rescued from flooded rivers, buildings collapsed by earthquakes, and deadly winds and storm surges from hurricanes.

And in Afghanistan, a mysterious samaritan foils ambushes on coalition convoys, stops suicide bombers, and defuses IEDs.

This is where Season 6 picks up.  Hotaru and Chibi-usa had finally had it out, and her friend finally made her see reason.  Yes, the SI is not her lover from the past, but the past is past and there is nothing anyone can do about it.  Not even Setsuna.  It was no excuse to push him away, not when all the others were saying that this was a destined pairing.  Venus had proclaimed it.  Mars had read their fortunes.  And Serenity could feel it deep inside.

And so, Hotaru comes to the war-torn land as Sailor Saturn, to help right wrongs, and to bring the SI back home with her.  But he's changed so much.  He's so hard, so cold, and so sharp.  He's like a piece of obsidian, with everything else chipped away to leave an edge that was keener that a surgeon's scalpel.  But like Obsidian, Hotaru sees that he is so very fragile, and that she needs to be careful or else he will break.

In the meantime, an ancient Earth Kingdom artifact had been uncovered - a treasure that had been the very peak of Voider technology.  Had it come earlier, it may very well have been the thing to stop their destruction at the hands of of self-styled Queen Beryl.

A fermion inverter - essentially an anti-matter generator.

It becomes a race against time as the SI and Hotaru try to track the device down, because no matter whose hands it winds up in, it could very well end all life on the planet.

And this time there will be nothing left to start over again.

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RE: [RFC][Sailor Moon][SI] The Final Dream - by Black Aeronaut - 02-13-2019, 10:16 AM

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