The fear of creeping socialism has led to a creeping anti-socialism, methinks. One drags you out of your house in the middle of the night and shoots you in the field. The other just sort of stands there and watches you die, even though it could save you at any time. And if it does anything, it just gently reassures you that it's your own fault and that starving is for your own good.
You can see why I hate both.
It's inescapable that something weird is going on
There's more energy in the atmosphere, more moisture, which means things are tending towards the extreme, rather than just 'hotter'. Australia and California are burning. We had a BBQ here it was so warm (for February). This time last year we had the worst blizzard in decades. Followed by the hottest summer in decades.
It's warping the climate in unpredictable ways.
This is inarguable.
It's as much a fact as the earth being round.
I've long since given up on being able to do anything about it mind. It's already fucked. If there's only, what, 8-10 years left before the tipping point has passed, effectively we've passed it already. There's no changing direction that quickly. Not unless someone figures out how to make a lot of money changing direction that quickly and they can pay for better lobbyists than Exxon.
I drive an utter pl;anetkiller of a car. It is fucking awful. It makes people's eyes water. It sets monoxide and gas alarms off. It doesn't even have a catalytic converter. I pay for it in fuel and road taxes that are painful. I'm keeping it going until it finally grinds to a halt because it's still cheaper than getting into debt to buy a new, cleaner, car. Can't afford a new car. Can't afford to replace it. Can't afford not to drive to work.
I don't know what that says. I'd rather not be taxed off the road. But on the other hand, those taxes pay for stuff like grants for electric and hybrid vehicles. And some of those aren't shit. I suppose I'll have to buy one of those, or a lighter, more effiicient MX-5 because I really and truly hate modern cars.
You can see why I hate both.
It's inescapable that something weird is going on
There's more energy in the atmosphere, more moisture, which means things are tending towards the extreme, rather than just 'hotter'. Australia and California are burning. We had a BBQ here it was so warm (for February). This time last year we had the worst blizzard in decades. Followed by the hottest summer in decades.
It's warping the climate in unpredictable ways.
This is inarguable.
It's as much a fact as the earth being round.
I've long since given up on being able to do anything about it mind. It's already fucked. If there's only, what, 8-10 years left before the tipping point has passed, effectively we've passed it already. There's no changing direction that quickly. Not unless someone figures out how to make a lot of money changing direction that quickly and they can pay for better lobbyists than Exxon.
I drive an utter pl;anetkiller of a car. It is fucking awful. It makes people's eyes water. It sets monoxide and gas alarms off. It doesn't even have a catalytic converter. I pay for it in fuel and road taxes that are painful. I'm keeping it going until it finally grinds to a halt because it's still cheaper than getting into debt to buy a new, cleaner, car. Can't afford a new car. Can't afford to replace it. Can't afford not to drive to work.
I don't know what that says. I'd rather not be taxed off the road. But on the other hand, those taxes pay for stuff like grants for electric and hybrid vehicles. And some of those aren't shit. I suppose I'll have to buy one of those, or a lighter, more effiicient MX-5 because I really and truly hate modern cars.
Oh sweet meteor of death
Fall upon us.
Deliver us in fire
To Peace everlasting.
Fall upon us.
Deliver us in fire
To Peace everlasting.