(02-28-2019, 12:26 AM)Black Aeronaut Wrote: You defeat yourself with your own argument.
Yes. It is about slowing things down as much as we can. You DO realize the sort of project it would be to relocated everyone that's south of Georgia, pretty much the entirety of the Mississippi River Valley, half of Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi, and pretty much all of the Texas Gulf Coast Region? And don't forget the Sacramento Valley. That's about to turn into a small inland sea. And this is to say nothing about the Atlantic Seaboard.
The costs of cutting absolutely everything that we can fucking PALE in comparison to the nightmare that's coming, and every red cent we spend to stave it off for even a minute is going to be time and money well spent.
Oh, sorry BA, I was a little irate when I typed that, and it wasn't as clear as it could be. I agree with you pretty much entirely. I was trying to say that this isn't some distant problem we can ignore for a few more decades. It''s a problem that's already here, and trying to ignore it is only getting more people killed. It's a threat that HAS to be faced. I don't know if the damage can be entirely repaired, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't aim for it.