(02-28-2019, 08:26 AM)Bob Schroeck Wrote:(02-27-2019, 09:05 PM)Rajvik Wrote: No bob, I was intentionally disrespecting the former VP with the less disreputable. Moniker
So, basically avoiding the point by flinging a random insult out into the ether instead. Noted.
no bob, i was flinging an insult at the biggest proponent and liar on the subject, but since i can't find a link to prove my reason for thinking him a scumbag easily, i'm not going to argue the point.
@Epsilon: Yes, now do you believe that the output of the solar body that provides said radiating warmth can vary massively in its output level?
Labster Wrote:King Edward I passed a law banning the burning of coal in London, way back in 1272, because of the harm to people. Eventually, people started burning more and more coal for the factories and power plants in England. In 1952, the pollution got so bad that the Great Smog killed over ten thousand people around London. And here we have people arguing that there's no reason to stop burning coal, because climate science is made up. But even if it is, coal pollution kills humans.
yes Labster, and we see how marvelously that worked for London, and really for all of Britain. By banning the burning of Coal, their most prolific energy source, they systematically deforested the entire damn island for a heat source. Also note that the problem in the "Great Smog" was limited to where, LONDON, a CITY where they had people crammed into a space designed for probably a third of the people living there. It didn't migrate across the channel and lay claim to a coastal french town, it wasn't carried by the winds to block the channel itself, it was limited to London. Ergo, microcosm climate.
Black Aeronaut Wrote:Rajvik.
You know about the guy that lived right under Mount St. Helens? When it was still a beautiful place?
You're being him right now
which one, there were many, some that even survived because they were on the opposite side of the mountain from the blowout?
sorry, sometimes the sarcasm has to be released that said, yes, i realize that in your eyes i'm being deliberately obtuse and willfully blind to a problem that "THE WORLD SEES" my problems are that all i see is a combination of doom and gloom predictions, none of which have come to pass, the so called experts either disagreeing (almost to the point of coming to blows) or being caught red handed in scandal of cooking their books, and a cure that is arguably worse than the disease. So pardon me while i sit here and enjoy the view. That said, i don't think you are lying, at least not knowingly. I just think that you have been duped into believing a lie that was sold so that some scientists could get funding and so that a politician could make a mint.
@Mamorian: Those were things we BUILT, and were arguably on a small scale comparatively. What you are arguing is that a bunch of small outputs were enough to change the entire weather system of the planet, one is a grape, the other is a grapefruit.
Now to all of you, a slight tangent brought on by comments as i was getting my breakfast. How many of you realized and at what point did you realize that the TV cartoon Captain Planet was nothing more than Green Propaganda. If you never watched it, or haven't realized that, i understand, it was something that honestly i had not thought of before this morning because i haven't watched it since it originally aired. When it did, i found that it irritated me because of a combination of how much i liked the show in my youth, and how much it IS propaganda.
Wolf wins every fight but the one where he dies, fangs locked around the throat of his opponent.
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Currently writing BROBd