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Neo-nazis conduct a terrorist attack in New Zealand
RE: Neo-nazis conduct a terrorist attack in New Zealand
Sadly no. And as I said above, currently the Senate does not have the authority to expel a member for behavior, following a court ruling in 2016. However, there is a full scale federal election due before the middle of the year, during which his seat will be contested. Our Senate voting paper has two options. You can vote for your preferred parties choices, or you can vote below the line, which requires marking at least a significant percentage of individual candidates in numerical order. Last election, this asshat only got 19 individual votes. His seat in parliament came about after the guy that got the vote, a member of the very xenophobic One Nation party, fell victim to the dual citizenship mess (In fact, I think he was the one that kicked that all off). He was their backup option, as they believed they could get him to support them. Instead, he's been a raving loony above and beyond even their level of Bullshit, and even Pauline Hanson isn't enough of a jerk to stick her hand into the PR meatgrinder he's made himself over the past few months.

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RE: Neo-nazis conduct a terrorist attack in New Zealand - by Matrix Dragon - 03-16-2019, 07:21 PM

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