(03-17-2019, 06:13 PM)classicdrogn Wrote: Barring being the same kind and magnitude of assholes, his family are most likely shocked and horrified as well. That's not to say that they should be the only focus (hardly!) but it is a legitimate angle to cover.
It would be comforting to think that his family are also assholes (in the theory that like makes like), but my own family is excellent evidence that this is not the case. I have 2 aunts (and 2 aunts in law) and 5 uncles; My Aunts are all at least moderate to liberal (interestingly the oldest of them who lives in the most conservative state is probably the most liberal). On the other hand, my Uncles range from a Gay Rights activist and journalist through a truck driver who married a Philippine national, a university sports director, a successful businessman, and a former military officer who believes Reagan was too liberal.
So yes, I would agree that despite the shooter's attitude, it is entirely possible that his family are perfectly nice people although I suspect (unless he was completely estranged from them) that they were aware of his views (if not aware of how far he was willing to go or of how little he valued other human lives; or perhaps how narrow his definition of human was).