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Neo-nazis conduct a terrorist attack in New Zealand
RE: Neo-nazis conduct a terrorist attack in New Zealand

You people lend the NRA too much credit in this case.

Part of it is the culture in general. Even if the Federal Government offered a buyback program, people are not going to want to comply. And to be honest, I'd agree with them. It's penalizing the law abiding citizens all because a few people can't keep their dicks in their pants, metaphorically speaking.

And let me assure you, bans of this sort won't curb violence as effectively as you might like. The Boston Marathon Bombing is blatant evidence of this - anyone with even just a little bit of skill could have made those bombs as long as they're patient, can pay attention to detail, and have steady hands. (Which are also things that are required to use guns effectively, surprise surprise.)

Where we are having a lot of trouble with the NRA, on the other hand, is in enacting sensible regulation that does not infringe on anyone's rights. And I worry that if they keep this up, the pendulum is gonna swing back hard and it's going to hurt a lot when it does.

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RE: Neo-nazis conduct a terrorist attack in New Zealand - by Black Aeronaut - 03-22-2019, 09:55 AM

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