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[OOC][PLOT] The Fourth Thread of Planning for Arc 1 - Arrivals
RE: [OOC][PLOT] The Fourth Thread of Planning for Arc 1 - Arrivals
(03-26-2019, 02:03 AM)Labster Wrote: The word jalapeño is misspelled -- or is it written in the Texan language?

It's more of a word processor/keyboard issue.  I don't have a quick and easy of putting in a "ñ" on the fly, and Focus Writer doesn't have an autocorrect feature like MS Word does.

(03-26-2019, 02:03 AM)Labster Wrote:
Quote:and a banana.
With a witches' lair around, it's a perfect day for bananafish.

*Googles - winds up on a brief wiki-walk*
Eeeeyaaahhh... hopefully we'll be keeping it from getting quite that dark.  The worst is going to be dealing with Witch!Precia, her 'Familiars' and the fallout from Fate having to see all that.

(03-26-2019, 02:03 AM)Labster Wrote: I now want a scene with Akari and Babs getting along... and Babs taking a swipe at Aria.

I'll see what I can do~.

(03-26-2019, 02:03 AM)Labster Wrote:
Quote:everyone ease’s problems

I'll fix that in a moment...

(03-26-2019, 02:03 AM)Labster Wrote: Sosuke needs to suggest armored vehicles to get around town.  After seeing a few episodes of Walker, Texas Ranger I learned it's important to have a car resistant to explosion.

We'll get there...

(03-26-2019, 02:03 AM)Labster Wrote:
Quote:“WHAT!?” cried out Alisa in shock.  “Both of you!?  And him!?  Oh this is just so wrong on several levels!  A man with two women is just plain unconscionable.  And then the fact that he is old enough to be our father!”

“But Alisa,” said Fate.

“No buts!  It’s just wrong and that is all there is to it.”
Do you need Tomoyo to talk to these girls?  She's of similar social standing, and certainly wasn't against the Rika/Terada-sensei ship sailing (reminder: she's ten).

Maybe.  Lemme get through CCS and I'll get back to you on that.  But the short version is that Nanoha is not gonna be very happy with Alisa until she swallows a bit of her pride and apologizes to Fate.

(03-26-2019, 02:03 AM)Labster Wrote: Nothing struck me as wrong for Nanoha.  I don't have a strong mental model of her; her thought patterns are very different from mine.  But you definitely got her tendency to overthink a problem, then go full force at her solution.

....  This must be some kind of unconscious thing I do where I nail a character like that without even realizing it.  Really, I wasn't much aware that Nanoha had a tendency to overthink things...  A methodical thinker, yes, but I didn't think she was quite that way...  Though I guess it makes sense in hindsight, given that when she's busy doing normal everyday things like her homework, she's actually running combat drills in her mind with Raising Heart.

That kid is scary sometimes.  I'm oddly reminded of that one RWBY/MGLN crossover where Salem is actually someone's familiar from Al Hazred, and then when examining Raising Heart, oh so casually goes into a previously unknown backdoor access that not even Raising Heart knew about because it's actually a heavily modified Al Hazredian device.  Salem had previously mentioned such devices, which could easily destroy planets, and how they might be found and turned to tasks that, in comparison to the original scope of the device, is like turning a battleship into a broom.

So as she's going through Raising Heart's logs, she suddenly blinks, and then gives Nanoha this LOOK.
"Planet shattering brooms, indeed.  You, Miss Takamachi, are a monster."

Really scary kid.  Tongue

EDIT:  Found it!  It was from Hazredous Interruptions by 11thMessenger.

Relevant bit:

Quote:Salem’s eyes widened fractionally, and the Grimm Queen twisted in her chair to stare at the brunette Ace. “You.”

Nanoha blinked. “Ah- my apologies ma’am, I didn’t mean to- I mean… nya-haha... “ She trailed off, flushing.

“No, not that. I felt…” Salem gestured, raising a hand toward Nanoha. “Administrative declaration; Hea, Archmage, access. State Automated Focus Identity.”

Raising Heart blared loudly in Nanoha’s hand, the gem lighting up. “Declaration recognized. This Automated Focus Identity Code is E28A44B.”


The staff leapt out of Nanoha’s hands, flying over in the blink of an eye to hover over Salem’s palm. Chrono and Lindy and the rest of the TSAB contingent were on their feet, reaching for their own devices. “Salem,” demanded Pullman, shrouded by her bodyguard’s protective spells, “what is the meaning of this!”

“Necessity, Ambassador. I wish to see how your people have treated one of my…” She trailed off for a moment, a strange expression crossing her features. “ of my social peers, I suppose you could say.”

Data windows opened in front of her, information scrolling by at mind-numbing speeds. “I must admit, I didn’t think any of these survived the fall. It’s an assistance and augmentation focus for… lesser servitors of the Empire. Our actual janitors, if you will. Archmagi preferred to do the calculations themselves, you see.

Nanoha gingerly took a few steps forward, not quite reaching for the staff. Salem continued, either not noticing or not caring. “I can only imagine what happened to the rest of them. Probably cannibalized,” she nearly growled the word, “for their components to make a one-note artillery cannon or some such. They’re useless to nearly anyone without a high density external power source to pull from-”

Salem paused, the scrolling windows halting. The cascade rotated backwards once, then twice, as her gaze locked on to some graphs and numbers in tiny relief. She turned her head to look at Nanoha, eyebrows raising. “...planet-sweeping brooms, indeed. You, Ms. Takamachi, are a monster.” 

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RE: [OOC][PLOT] The Fourth Thread of Planning for Arc 1 - Arrivals - by Black Aeronaut - 03-26-2019, 05:55 AM

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