Forming the law in ways that result in the only options being 'obey or suffer' while obedience is to your benefit and your benefit only does tend to be rather authoritarian.
One should inform Fox News of the duties of news media and the necessity and consequences of failing to uphold them.
It is voter suppression when this results in people being made more difficult if not impossible to cast votes on any grounds other than the likelihood of subversion of the democratic system. Which, historically, is exactly what any and all attempts to make voting more difficult have been doing in the USA.
The problem with patronage is that very often the overriding qualification for getting a patron is loyalty to the patron and loyalty to the patron only. Any other qualification is secondary at best and required only because otherwise the patron themselves is going to suffer.
One should inform Fox News of the duties of news media and the necessity and consequences of failing to uphold them.
It is voter suppression when this results in people being made more difficult if not impossible to cast votes on any grounds other than the likelihood of subversion of the democratic system. Which, historically, is exactly what any and all attempts to make voting more difficult have been doing in the USA.
The problem with patronage is that very often the overriding qualification for getting a patron is loyalty to the patron and loyalty to the patron only. Any other qualification is secondary at best and required only because otherwise the patron themselves is going to suffer.