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Florida Woman Infatuated with Racist Killers Shuts Down Denver Schools
RE: Florida Woman Infatuated with Racist Killers Shuts Down Denver Schools

You know, if our background check system was actually, you know, working like it was supposed to, it'd look god-awfully funny for someone who has absolutely no residency in another state to suddenly buy a gun there.

But hey, I'm just talking out my ass here. It's not like doing some actual regulations is ever gonna work, right? Because everyone thinks that the only thing that's ever going to work is outright bans.

Oh, hey, what about what happened in New Zealand? Yeah, sure! Ban all the semi-autos! Though it'd be nice if someone knew where the hell he got the other guns from. You know, the ones that had no official record? The ones that no ban would have ever stopped because there was no official record of that guy ever owning those guns. That should have been just as big of a crime as all the lives that man took - and rightfully so, because he used those unregistered weapons to do so.

But hey, I'm just some gun nut from Texas. Ya'll oughta lock up your kids whenever I roll around, because wanting to go to the firing range and squeeze off a few rounds in a controlled environment makes me into a mass murderer just waiting to happen.

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RE: Florida Woman Infatuated with Racist Killers Shuts Down Denver Schools - by Black Aeronaut - 04-17-2019, 11:45 AM

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