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Trump wants an immigration system 'like they have in Canada.'
RE: Trump wants an immigration system 'like they have in Canada.'
I would be happy to harmonize Canada and the United States' immigration systems.  It's one big step closer to a North American Schengen Area.  As they say, a broken clock is right twice a day.

I keep thinking about the last great outbreak of unwanted immigration to California.  See, there was a big famine in the home country and the rulers there couldn't help because they had went nearly bankrupt on poor business decisions.  So the people loaded up all their belongings, and flooded into California, right when we couldn't afford to pay for our own people.  So there was a lot of anti-immigrant propaganda, and why not, because these people all lived in disease-ridden shanty towns.  But they kept coming and coming, sending 15% of their entire population to California.  Coming and taking our jobs away when we didn't have enough work, fucking okies.  A few years later the economy picked up, and everyone moved on to being terrified of the Japanese instead, and the immigrants just slipped in and became an ordinary citizens.  It's weird how that works.
"Kitto daijoubu da yo." - Sakura Kinomoto

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RE: Trump wants an immigration system 'like they have in Canada.' - by Labster - 05-01-2019, 02:19 PM

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