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Blue-sky thinking: Why not split the USA?
RE: Blue-sky thinking: Why not split the USA?
Rajvik, have you ever looked at the federal money flows in the USA, how much every state receives and pays? Or have you ever looked at things like per state or region, or industry income levels?

Because those things point out something very interesting.

On the average, states, regions and industries that are strongly supported by right wing politicians tend to bring in less money per capita than those supported by the left-to-center right politicians. And if you look at the federal money flows you see something similar, with states heavily supporting the right often drawing substantially more money from the federal government than they pay into it, while the states more to the center or the left often paying more money than they receive.

Make no mistake, nobody in the USA would enjoy the economical troubles that would be the result of any division of the USA, but on the average the more conservative leaning areas are going to end up comparatively worse as a result of the loss of access to outside resources to finance themselves, while the lack of that drain on their resources in the more liberal areas gives them more of a cushion to fall back upon.

Will the liberal areas need the resources the more conservative areas provide to fuel their economies? Sure. But those conservative areas need to sell those same resources just as badly. And the conservative areas have less of a margin.

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RE: Blue-sky thinking: Why not split the USA? - by hazard - 05-19-2019, 02:27 PM

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