(06-01-2019, 07:22 PM)Rajvik Wrote: Hazard, what you are suggesting is doing something to save face, to appear to be doing something to placate the masses. While that may work for politicians whose only goal is to be reelected it doesn't solve the problem.
Looking at the Australian and New Zealand approach to mass shootings, I'm not so sure about that. Hell, the Australian government who passed its laws on gun restrictions got their asses kicked in the following election regardless of how clearly necessary and publicly supported it was. Although admittedly they went for thorough and effective legislation.
(06-01-2019, 07:22 PM)Rajvik Wrote: Silverfang made a comment about the simple minded wanting simple answers, and I retorted that sometimes it is the simple answer you need because you are overthinking the problem. Conversely there are subjects that because of history and law are difficult problems that require well thought out answers on multiple fronts. Now, while I particularly blame the majority of our internal problems on what I call the snowflake syndrome, the exterior problem isn't limited to something so simple as gun sales no matter who is doing it.
Right wingers are notorious snowflakes, it's true, who make a lot of noise whenever confronted with anything they find even vaguely uncomfortable. Like facts.
It's true that gun sales are not the only source of the USA's internal problems. But the USA gun culture is one of the key factors in why the problems it has are as bad as they are, and a simple answer is both available and likely to be effective. Not in the immediate, true, given that the USA is not likely to pass a sweeping ban and reclaim scheme, but it will help a fair bit over time. The other bit of course is reforming USA gun culture.
(06-01-2019, 07:22 PM)Rajvik Wrote: In the previous wall thread someone said that the migrant caravans were the USs "Dollar Diplomacy" coming home to roost. In a way they were right, however, what they failed to recognize is that we had tried two of the other three methods already and they either didn't work for more than a generation or were abandoned when public opinion turned against it. Frankly all we have left as options is either dollar diplomacy, aka paying the danegeld, or conquest. Because otherwise we are going to have to tank our own economy so bad that people are fleeing the US.
And those other methods would be?
Not that conquest has worked out that well either mind you. Just ask the 19th and 20th century methodology.