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A CYOA in Worm or I think my name is No No
RE: A CYOA in Worm or I think my name is No No
[Spoiler= Author’s note]
This series of interludes was intended to go in after the next chapter, however, since there has been no response from SB’s content review on the questionable scenes in the next chapter, I’m posting these now.[/spoiler]
“Mamma,” Nanoha heard her daughter call out and turned to look. The eight-year-old girl stood in the doorway to the National Police Captain’s home office with a tablet in hand and a troubled look on her face. “That girl with our name is on the internet again mamma.” Vivio said as she walked over and handed Nanoha the tablet, the video in question already cued up. “Are you sure she’s not related to us, because she has your angry look down for certain.”

Nanoha smiled fondly and patted her adopted daughter on the head. When Nanoha had been required to represent the department at Takamachi Hitomi’s funeral, Vivio had seized on the family name and started to research anything involving the family name. She had found that the girl seemed to be something of a trouble magnet and someone who stood for what was right. Unfortunately, when trying to trace back the family lines to prove that they should adopt the girl so she could stay in Japan, Vivio had run into the usual problem of proving familial relationships. The family registers only went back to the 1940’s as the ones prior to that had been destroyed when the allies firebombed Tokyo. Nanoha had tried to assuage the girl’s irritation by telling her that the likelihood was that that they were not related and that having the same surname was a coincidence. “What happened this time?” Nanoha asked.

“I don’t know exactly,” Vivio answered. “My English isn’t that good, and they are talking awful fast. What I saw was Akane-chan come into the scene, kick one girl in the knee while slamming her head into a locker before she pivots, ducks and slams her palm into another girl’s chest. They were doing something bad I’m sure, she isn’t the type to just go and hurt someone without a good reason.”

“Do you want me to watch it and explain it to you?” Nanoha asked.

“Please,” Vivio said and when Nanoha shifted things around a bit, climbed into her mother’s lap.

Starting the video, Nanoha noted the cut in text and read it aloud, “This is fifteen minutes into the original video,” she explained, “it also provides a link to the uncommented video.” She watches as the orphaned girl walked into the scene and did just what her daughter had described with a professionalism that spoke of good training and discipline. She blanched though at what the girl said as she glares at the crowd. This girl isn’t playing! she thought as she watched Akane organize the crowd and respond to the situation. “Those two girls she hit trapped someone in that locker,” Nanoha explained to her daughter, “Akane is now organizing the crowd and getting them to help her get the person out.”

“Oh,” Vivio said thoughtfully. “Why would someone do that?”

“What,” Nanoha asked, “shove someone in a locker and lock them in?” The little girl nodded in Nanoha’s lap and Nanoha thought hard. “Some people just enjoy doing mean things to other people sometimes,” she stated sadly. “Others take great joy in stopping those people and doing nice things to help those that have been mistreated.”

“Are the people who enjoy doing mean things just bad, or is there something wrong with their heads?” Vivio asked causing Nanoha to pause instead of giving a rote answer.

“It depends sweetheart,” she finally said after a moment of thought. “Some of them are just bad people, some have something wrong in their head, and some are a mixture of both, one feeding off of the other.” At this point Nanoha sighed and smiled slightly, “Thankfully, as a police officer, it’s not my job to figure out which is which, just to stop them from hurting people.”

“And what about Akane-chan?” Vivio asked.

“It’s not her job,” Nanoha said before smiling slightly, “but I imagine that anyone who hurts anyone else around her is likely to regret it.”

Vivio thought about this for a moment before she nodded and smiled. “Good,” she said climbing out of her mother’s lap and accepting back her tablet. “Akane-chan seems to have a sense of justice that mimics your’s momma. It will ensure her friends are safe I’m sure.” With that the eight-year-old left the room, probably to update her “Akane-chan” scrapbook.
“Hello Sagara,” Gunnery Sergeant Jones said as he stood in the passageway outside the Captain’s office and the Sergeant came to stand beside him. “Do you know what this is about?”

“No Gunny,” Sagara answered as he stood and waited to be seen. “All I was told was to report to the Captain’s office. Gunnery Sergeant Jones just grunted and then stood there outside the hatchway and waited.

It wasn’t a long wait however as moments later Melissa Mao stuck her head out of the outer office door and spoke, “Gunny, Sagara, good you’re here, please come in.” Stepping back, the Sergeant-Major made room for the two of them to enter before leading the way into the Captain’s inner office.

“Ah good,” Captain Testarossa said from her seat. Lieutenant Commander Kalinin and Commander Mardukas sat in chairs on either side of the Captain’s desk and Sagara, Mao and himself stood in front of the desk. “We have some questions regarding the incident with the class trip and the airliner.”

“I’m assuming things that were not specifically covered by our after-action reports?” Mao asked and Kalinin nodded.

“Miss Chidori was our primary consideration in your class Sagara,” the Lieutenant-Commander commented. “However, given the occurrences after your exit from the aircraft in pursuit of Miss Chidori, there is another of your classmates that we feel we should be watching over as well.”

“Gunnery Sergeant,” Captain Testarossa said taking command of the conversation once more. “What was your assessment of the situation when you reached the airliner?”

“Ma’am,” Jones said snapping to attention. “As I put in my after-action report, upon landing my platoon cleared the area around the airliner and then myself, Lieutenant Andrews, and two fireteams from first squad entered the aircraft, one from the front, and the other from the rear passenger doors. We expected to take fire upon entering, however the on-site terrorists, later identified from photos as Yangban members, had already been dealt with and we were greeted by the call of “Hold your fire,” as a young woman recognized our blue helmets. One of the students had taken down the two Yangban and had handed out their weapons to hold off any attempt by them to retake the aircraft.”

“And what was the student’s name?” Mardukas asked.

“Takamachi Akane,” Jones answered, beside him Sagara breathed in sharply and muttered something under his breath where even Jones couldn’t tell what he had said. “As we exited the aircraft, she took the rear-end position amongst the students, herding them along and assisted in providing suppression fire against the enemy when some of our people were dealing with a wounded teammate.” Jones looked at the three officers, “Ma’am, may I ask why we are discussing the young lady?”

“In a moment Gunny,” Testarossa replied. “Sagara, what do you know about Miss Takamachi?”

“Takamachi Akane, age sixteen, 165 centimeters, 54 kilograms. Father deceased, mother was a police detective in the Akihabara precinct Cataclysm division office,” Sagara replied. “Her grandparents died in the last few years, and daily she would run the martial arts training that her grandfather had been doing up until about fifteen months ago.” Sagara paused for a moment as if considering continuing with his observations.

“I can tell you have other information Sergeant,” Kalinin said calmly, “continue.”

“Yes sir,” Sagara replied. “Some other things of note, during the week she would work her way through the martial-arts based clubs, sparring with their strongest members and usually winning. If Miss Chidori had asked Takamachi to assist in clearing out the Judo club, she would have beat them at their own sport.”

“Where you just shot them,” Mao chimed in.

“Precisely Sergeant-Major.” Sagara replied. “I personally rated her as a class four out of ten threat possibility, and a class eight advantage in defending Miss Chidori. That said ma’am,” Sagara continued, “she hasn’t been seen since her mother’s funeral.”

“Interesting,” Captain Testarossa replied lacing her fingers together and looking first at Kalinin and then Mardukas before returning her attention to Jones. “Gunnery Sergeant, given this new information, would you consider approaching her for recruitment?”

“That would depend on where she is and what her situation is currently,” Jones answered. “Sagara, what is the word from the class rumor mill on that?”

“Rumor mill from her ex-girlfriend is that she went to the United States to live with her paternal Aunt, a regional director for the Parahuman Response Teams.” Sagara answered.

“Ex-girlfriend?” Jones asked.

“Yes Gunny,” Sagara replied, “One Saotome Mayumi, originally from Nerima, her, her mother, and her younger brother moved to Akihabara after Leviathan sank Kyushu. They lived just down the road and used the same recreational center that the Takamachi’s taught at.”

Jones went as pale as his dark skin would allow, “Sagara, did you say Saotome from Nerima?”

“Yes,” the Sergeant answered even as the Captain asked. “Is something wrong Gunny?”

“Not exactly Captain,” Jones answered. “It’s just that if it is the same family, then she needs another look as far as a threat/assistance assessment.”

“Assuming it is the same family Gunny,” Mardukas replied, “how dangerous could her family be?”

“Sir,” the Gunnery Sergeant started. “This is a family from an area known for having non-parahumans causing massive collateral damage with their bare hands.” All three officers looked at him and he sighed, “Ma’am, sirs, they made an anime and a manga about it that was only SLIGHTY exaggerated.”
Wolf wins every fight but the one where he dies, fangs locked around the throat of his opponent. 
Currently writing BROBd


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RE: A CYOA in Worm or I think my name is No No - by Rajvik - 06-27-2019, 10:32 PM

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