(08-05-2019, 07:50 PM)nemonowan Wrote: Have you ever tried a Piña Colada (either normal or virgin)? It's ingredients are almost only coconut and pineapple.
When I was rather younger and my sisters were in college, they had some friends around for an evening to play Clue and try new mixed drinks. When they got to the pina colada, I had to leave the room or I'd have thrown up just from the smell, and so I sadly missed the invention, naming, and disposal of 30 Seconds Over Alaska (a flaming iced drink) and The Same Mistake (which involved both whiskey and vodka, daiquiri mix, and astronaut ice cream in a blender, among other ingredients too eldritch and horrible for the human mind to retain) later when they ran out of recipes and just started experimenting with what was left over. The first was apparently a hit, though the slang to call it "the bomb!" only came around much later, and as the name suggests they all swore never to make The Same Mistake again.
(This is one of my favourite stories so you may remember something about it being mentioned before, but it's also one of my favourite stories so - my best attempts at accuracy notwithstanding - it may also differ in some details, because memory is like that.)
noli esse culus
noli esse culus