<rubs eyes and sighs> Could someone else please take over policing EccyTennySmithyLove? She's decided that Shout-Out is not a Trivia trope and is moving them off of Trivia pages. Although it's not currently categorized as a trivia trope (and I should go do that now), shout-outs rarely have anything to do with the structure or mechanisms of story telling, and I've been moving them to Trivia pages for years.
-- Bob
I have been Roland, Beowulf, Achilles, Gilgamesh, Clark Kent, Mary Sue, DJ Croft, Skysaber. I have been
called a hundred names and will be called a thousand more before the sun grows dim and cold....
I have been Roland, Beowulf, Achilles, Gilgamesh, Clark Kent, Mary Sue, DJ Croft, Skysaber. I have been
called a hundred names and will be called a thousand more before the sun grows dim and cold....