Good on you for getting more into it, then, Labster, but collective responsibility is the road to "shoot everyone I don't like" so that holds no water with me.
As for fixing the world in general... blame early literacy and holding on to the lies we tell children too late, but yes, I have given up on it, because all of the things I'd consider worth working toward are precluded by the laws of physics, let alone man. While I may think wishful thoughts of alternate universes and reincarnation, I don't actually believe in an afterlife or some paradigm-changing undiscovered physics or supernatural woo-woo in general. This is all we get, and it sucks. It's not worth getting worked up over, the universe doesn't care. And yes, I am fully aware this contradicts what I said just above, but most of the time I try to delude myself into thinking that there's a poit to doing anything at all, and support people I vaguely like doing things they feel passionate about.
Fucking politics forum. I know better than to read it, but I keep coming back.
As for fixing the world in general... blame early literacy and holding on to the lies we tell children too late, but yes, I have given up on it, because all of the things I'd consider worth working toward are precluded by the laws of physics, let alone man. While I may think wishful thoughts of alternate universes and reincarnation, I don't actually believe in an afterlife or some paradigm-changing undiscovered physics or supernatural woo-woo in general. This is all we get, and it sucks. It's not worth getting worked up over, the universe doesn't care. And yes, I am fully aware this contradicts what I said just above, but most of the time I try to delude myself into thinking that there's a poit to doing anything at all, and support people I vaguely like doing things they feel passionate about.
Fucking politics forum. I know better than to read it, but I keep coming back.
‎noli esse culus
‎noli esse culus