Well, looks like SB has begun the XenForo2 upgrade delayed by the problem-children PM scandal investigation thing. Hopefully the various fixes that have been ongoing for teething troubles on SV will already be included, but I still don't like how all the time stamps are "X minutes ago" until it gets to a full hour, and some of the layout differences that would look fine at full screen but make things awkward the way I prefer to have it at about a 5:3 ratio instead of 16:9. And some of the layout changes in general, like the timestamps being at the top of posts instead of the bottom, or how user profile pages are tabbed instead of linear and more things are unusably broken with JavaScript turned off, but meh. That's progress for you, and I can understand not wanting to let the forum software fall into "unsupported" territory given the size of the database and number of users.
‎noli esse culus
‎noli esse culus