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Irish oddsmaker gives 33% chance Trump will be impeached
RE: Irish oddsmaker gives 33% chance Trump will be impeached
Rob: as Labster and Raven responded, Andrew Johnson, Abraham Lincoln's Vice President was impeached, basically on charges of being a southern loyalist, (partially because back then the winner got the presidency and the loser the vice, the other part because he opposed the republican's plans for reconstruction which did exactly what he feared, engendered a hate against the blacks in the south) which failed in the senate, you can read more about it here:

As to why i brought those three up, i was pointing out why i felt you were mistaken on why the other side of the aisle picked up the white house in the wake of their presidential bids,
As i said, with Andrew Johnson, he didn't run, and the republicans kept the white house for something like the next 30 years due to the southern states not having a say in the government
Ford was a do nothing, kissed ass, but with both sides of the aisle wanting Nixon impeached he didn't stand a chance in hell, and the republicans used him as a place holder, kind of like Mitt Romney
Gore: Oh the things i could get into about mr. "I invented the internet" Instead i'll just leave it at enough people recognized him as the idiot he is and voted against him, and before anyone says anything about Florida, let me point out that the same counties that had problems getting their ballots in on time in 2018, were the ones that mysteriously "found" those "hanging chad" ballots
Wolf wins every fight but the one where he dies, fangs locked around the throat of his opponent. 
Currently writing BROBd


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RE: Irish oddsmaker gives 33% chance Trump will be impeached - by Rajvik - 11-15-2019, 10:28 PM

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