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A CYOA in Worm or I think my name is No No
RE: A CYOA in Worm or I think my name is No No
**Miss Militia**
Walking into the Ward’s common area I looked around and counted five of the six Wards I was hoping to find here. “Where’s Chris?” I asked scanning their faces.

“Getting a snack,” Dennis answered pointing towards the kitchenette causing me to turn and see Kid Win coming out with a bag of chips.

Once he sat down and had offered the bag around the group, I spoke, catching their attention. “There are some things that we need to discuss this afternoon,” I told them. “And while I know you are here off the clock this is rather important so pay attention.” I pinned Dennis with a stare with that last point as he had a habit of only half listening. “As many if not all of you may know, yesterday the Merchants hit Weymouth Mall. They did this while Akane and Taylor were there with Glory Girl and Panacea.” The response to this was expected, chuckles and cringes at what they expected happened to the Merchants. “Also, amongst the crowd was one other parahuman who, because of her actions yesterday, was offered a position as a probationary Ward.”

“Another new Ward?” Dean asked. “We seem to be hitting the lottery when it comes to new capes this month.”

“Is the newbie a complete rookie?” Carlos asked, “or do they have some experience?”

“Oh they have experience,” I answered, “a serious Striker with Mover and Blaster sub-ratings,” they all blinked at that. “The point being though is that because of her home-life she’s going to be living here in Headquarters for a little while, at least until we can get her housing situation sorted out.”

“Miss Militia,” Missy piped up, “I’m sorry but I can’t think of a hero anywhere, independent, vigilante, or Ward that fits those criteria.”

“That’s because until yesterday she was considered a villain,” I stated calmly and then let the screams of “What?!?” wash over me.

Finally though, the hubbub died down and Dean asked the question, “Vicky told me that Rune helped with the situation at the mall, is that who’s joining us?”

I nodded and Dennis gave a rueful shake of his head. “So Sabrina the Teenaged Nazi is pulling a Von Stauffenberg,” he commented earning raised eyebrows from the rest of the group. “I have only two questions regarding this.” I nodded for him to continue. “First, how likely is this to be a feint or ploy to gain inside intel on the Wards and Protectorate? Second, whatever reason she gave for turning to us, do you believe her?”

The others nodded to this making me smile, When Dean and Carlos move up to the Protectorate, you’re going to find leadership very interesting Dennis. “To answer your second question first, Yes, both the director and myself believe her, as does Akane and Taylor.” The group all nodded to this giving it the weight each person felt that it deserved. “Furthermore, her bridges with the Empire are thoroughly burned. In fact, if it wasn’t for the unwritten rules, I think Othala would be sitting in a holding cell about now going by what happened when we went to get Rune’s things this morning.

Getting into the building downtown was easy, even deep into Empire territory like it was, it still had a delivery entrance for large, heavy items. That entrance only needed an occupant’s key card to operate, the same as the freight elevator which we used to transport a four-man team, Rune and myself up the apartment building and to the apartment that Rune was sharing with her cousin and her cousin’s husband. “Hopefully they will be gone,” Rune said. “If that’s the case, we’ll be able to just grab my stuff and go. In case they aren’t though, I will go in first to diffuse any possible issues. Ophelia means well, but she’s given herself completely over to the cause.”

I nodded to that, zealots could cause issues for anyone, and someone with that kind of belief and a willingness to die for their beliefs would be trouble. it’s what suicide bombers are made of, my mind jibed at me. “I’ll go in with you, the others can wait in the hall unless they are needed.” Rune nodded to that and when the elevator opened led the way to a non-descript door where she once again used her keycard to unlock the door.

I heard the electronic clunk of the lock disengaging as Rune turned the handle and pushed the door in, “This won’t take long,” Rune said as we walked in, and then I could hear someone talking to her from deeper inside the apartment.

“Oh thank God you finally showed up,” a woman said from inside the apartment and to the right. “Everyone has been worried that something had happened. Get changed real quick and I’ll let everyone know that you’re fine…” she trailed off as she rounded the corner and saw us, even as the winter coat she had been shrugging into settled on her shoulders. “Well this is unexpected.” She finished flatly.

“Ophe, just stay calm,” Rune said raising her hands to show they were empty. “We’re just here for me to get my stuff and then we’re out of here.”

“Really,” the other person, a young brunette woman about 25-years of age said. “And why is the PRT and one of their “Heroes” here with you to get your things?”

“Because I’ll be joining the Wards this afternoon,” Rune answered maybe a little hotly. “I’ve finally seen through the BS that,” she paused for a minute before continuing, obviously having chosen a different word than what she had planned. “I’ve seen through what he’s been shoveling to us for years and I’m leaving while there’s an offer on the table.”

The pair glared at each other for a couple of minutes before the older one sagged, sighed and nodded. “Alright Katie,” she said moving over to a table set in a dining nook. “Go get your things, I know when I’m not going to change your mind.”

“Thanks Ophelia,” Rune replied and took off down the side hall at a jog.

“Simmons,” I said calling forward a female trooper. “Go with her, help her pack her things.” The trooper nodded and followed Rune at a more sedate pace. Turning my attention back to the young woman that I assumed was Rune’s cousin, I continued talking. “I imagine there are a lot of questions running through your mind at the moment, and while I can’t tell you much, I can say that she chose this without any pressure whatsoever.”

“Ophelia,” snorted slightly at that. “I don’t know if there could be a truer statement than that in the entire world,” she said, a wistful smile crossing her face. “With her it is an easy thing to say that no one can force that girl to do anything she doesn’t want to do. She’s stubborn as a goat and twice as hardheaded that’s for certain, but a good heart in her all the same.”

I smiled at that, “I don’t know her yet,” I replied, “but she could have kept her head down yesterday and she didn’t. That makes her good people in my book.”

Ophelia nodded to that, “Just keep her clear of Shadow Stalker please.” She said causing me to raise an eyebrow at that. “It’s nothing to do with the, cause, but the girl had a habit of shooting first and asking questions never and Katie would usually be the one tasked with bringing in the wounded after an ambush.”

I sighed at that and mumbled, “Nobody is perfect, but that girl…” I let myself trail off for a moment before looking at Ophelia and replying, “Shadow Stalker is well out of the picture and no longer capable of being an issue.” This caused both of her eyebrows to move towards her hairline only for Rune and Simmons to return to the room. Rune had a backpack and a suitcase while Simmons was dragging a rolling case in her off hand.

“That’s all of it,” she said looking at the two of us. “Ophe, heres the keycard to the place,” she continued laying the keycard that had gotten us in and up the freight elevator in the first place. “I wiped the laptop once I had all my files pulled out, so it should be good to use again.”

“You could have the computer, you silly girl,” Ophelia said standing up and pulling Rune into a hug. “And also remember, you can always come home if you choose.”

Rune hugged her back before holding her at arms-length, “It’s a nice and generous though Ophelia,” Rune said smiling sadly. “But unless you suddenly decide to come join me, then this is goodbye.”

“Never goodbye cousin,” Ophelia said letting go of Rune and stepping back. “Only good luck, and good hunting,” she continued. “No matter which side either of us is on. Now get out of here before my husband comes to see what’s taking so long.”

Rune smiled before grabbing the handle of her suitcase and leading the way back out of the apartment and back the way we had come. “One last thing Miss Militia,” Ophelia said as we reached the door. “Make sure someone has her back, some of our mutual, acquaintances are not as, accommodating or accepting as I am.

“I won’t say don’t worry,” I told her in a low voice, “you will anyway. But she has a couple of good ones watching out for her, both in and out of costume.”

“Thank you,” Ophelia said with a nod and then closed the door behind me, leaving me to go back the way we had come in, to the freight elevator, and the quiet trip to our next stop.

“Katie, what are you…” the brunette that opened the door stopped speaking when she saw me off to one side of Rune. I had changed clothes to a set of PRT undress BDU’s instead of my usual costume. “Katie, is there a problem?”

“Can we come in Kayden?” Rune asked looking a bit sheepish. “What we need to discuss, it’s not for open discussion.” The brunette raised an eyebrow at that but nodded and stepped back, allowing us to enter.

Closing the door Kayden asked, “What is the issue Katie,” as we stepped into a combination living room/dining room and Kayden gestured at the small table.

“Were you serious about going to the light side Kayden?” Rune asked in a low voice causing the woman’s head to snap up and glare at Rune. “I remember when you left Max you said you had to change things to keep her safe, to raise Aster right. Do you still want to do that?”

The woman cut a glance at me and then sighed, “I do,” she answered looking back at Rune. “The problem is that Max has such power and reach, I highly doubt I could get Aster, let alone Theo clear of him.”

“Depending on what you can give us on him,” I said softly, “we could likely get you into witness protection. Between that and rebranding as a hero,” I looked her in the face, “if we can get enough on him, he won’t be an issue to anyone but the prison system, the Birdcage if he pushes matters to far.”

Kayden’s eyes went wide at that, looking at me and then returning her gaze to Rune who nodded. “I’m telling them everything I know about him, Brad, and Uncle James, and then thinking about it, I remembered you wanting to do better. I didn’t give anyone your name, and Hannah here will keep this quiet, but I was hoping you would come in with us and help take them down.”

Kayden thought about it for a moment while looking at the infant sleeping in the playpen. “Do you really think they’ll relocate us? Get us clear of their reach, the Gesellschafts’ reach?”

“I won’t lie to you, and I won’t make you any promises,” I told her. “But if what Katie tells me is true, you knew Mr. Anders and his operations better than anyone else, and I know a series of three letter agencies that would love to know what you do about him.”

Kayden smiled a grim, but apparently infectious smile. “This is going to go international, and it’s going to embarrass some big names in certain communities.” Kayden finally answered. “That said though, I’m in I’ll do anything for my little girl.”

I nodded at her, “Then let’s get the two of you out of here.”
Wolf wins every fight but the one where he dies, fangs locked around the throat of his opponent. 
Currently writing BROBd


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RE: A CYOA in Worm or I think my name is No No - by Rajvik - 12-15-2019, 02:11 PM

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