Unidentified objects flying "search patterns" at night over the Southwest.... Well, they are identified. As drones. Big drones. In "swarms" of approximately seventeen to thirty. But if anybody in the local, state, or federal government knows who sent them, or precisely why, they're not saying.
Considering that one dictionary definition of "carry on" is to "behave or speak in a foolish, excited, or improper manner," the designers of that famous poster, "Keep Calm and Carry On," need to make up their flippin' minds!
Quote:In the meantime, [a commercial photographer, himself a drone pilot, named] Moss urges residents not to shoot down the drones, as they are highly flammable.
"It becomes a self-generating fire that burns until it burns itself out," he told The [Denver] Post. "If you shoot a drone down over your house and it lands on your house, you might not have a house in 45 minutes."
Considering that one dictionary definition of "carry on" is to "behave or speak in a foolish, excited, or improper manner," the designers of that famous poster, "Keep Calm and Carry On," need to make up their flippin' minds!