...I finally psyched myself up and looked at the maps. Words fail, and I can see why evacuations were impossible in some cases, there wasn't anywhere people could go that was guaranteed to not be in the potential path of a fast moving inferno. It's any wonder how the hells your PM is being as dense as he is under the circumstances, this should be at best career ending the way he's been publicly handling it.
I spent two years in Australia from '82-'84 (Woomera in South Australia), and I've been finally playing Forza Horizon 3 this month (set in a condensed, rearranged New South Wales), and it's heartbreaking to see the sheer scale of this on top of everything else that's been going on.
I spent two years in Australia from '82-'84 (Woomera in South Australia), and I've been finally playing Forza Horizon 3 this month (set in a condensed, rearranged New South Wales), and it's heartbreaking to see the sheer scale of this on top of everything else that's been going on.
"You know how parents tell you everything's going to fine, but you know they're lying to make you feel better? Everything's going to be fine." - The Doctor