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Whooboy, if you thought the fanboy bigots frothed over Jodie Whittaker...
RE: Whooboy, if you thought the fanboy bigots frothed over Jodie Whittaker...
If I recall correctly, Rassilon invented the Regeneration process for his Time Lord project, back when he was experimenting with black holes and this wacky gauntlet with superpowers. (Huh. I wonder if that gauntlet had gemstones...)

Anyway, the regeneration process in its "natural" state is infinite. But Rassilon limited it to 12 kicks at the can, supposedly so that the Time Lords would not succumb to hubris and delusions of godhood. Considering how Rassilon's life turned out, that's actually masterfully ironic.

Matt Smith lecturing the Daleks about "the Rules," was also meant to be Davies taking the fanbase to task for telling him he couldn't regenerate the Doctor again because it violated "the Rules." The Doctor himself hints at what it would take right before he goes up to speak to the Daleks the last time, when he tells Clara that he could change his death, once up on a time, when there were Time Lords in the universe. They could do stuff like that. So when Clara speaks through the crack, she's telling them to rewrite the Doctor's demise, and give everyone a second chance. They listen, and do as she asks.

What hasn't been answered, obviously, is which version of the regeneration he got. He might have just gotten another 12. That's plenty for the ongoing future of the series. But they might also just leave that question unanswered so that if the show continues past another ten regenerations, they can just say the Doctor was given the unlimited version, and he'll be around as long as the show is popular.

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RE: Whooboy, if you thought the fanboy bigots frothed over Jodie Whittaker... - by Dragonflight - 01-30-2020, 12:45 AM

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