In the meantime, I'm going to have to continue working Uber, whether I want to or not, because I'm behind on my bills.
Not that I'll be making much right now.
Due to Trump's policies, there will be no safety net for me if anything happens. The only thing I've got going for me is that I'm on VA Healthcare. But that pretty much leaves the rest of my family out in the cold, who will all be exposed if I get sick.
And again, no safety net here. I'm having to go into court tomorrow for an eviction hearing because I've been so far behind on everything - barely even making enough money to buy food and all because I have to feed my brother, too, because he's homeless and can't get a job. He does donate plasma for food money, but we got fucked over when they told him he's showing signs of diabetes and deferred him for a month until he could get his shit straightened out.
I don't wanna hear a goddamned thing that this is not the Republicans fault. They want to kick people like me to the curb just because I don't make enough money to donate to their campaigns and because I am juuuuuust brown enough for them to call me a wetback, never mind that my family has been here (not just a general 'here', I mean literally in this geographical location) even before the French and Spaniards started coming through.
(Yeah, it turns out he's got Type 2 Diabetes. Fun.)
Not that I'll be making much right now.
Due to Trump's policies, there will be no safety net for me if anything happens. The only thing I've got going for me is that I'm on VA Healthcare. But that pretty much leaves the rest of my family out in the cold, who will all be exposed if I get sick.
And again, no safety net here. I'm having to go into court tomorrow for an eviction hearing because I've been so far behind on everything - barely even making enough money to buy food and all because I have to feed my brother, too, because he's homeless and can't get a job. He does donate plasma for food money, but we got fucked over when they told him he's showing signs of diabetes and deferred him for a month until he could get his shit straightened out.
I don't wanna hear a goddamned thing that this is not the Republicans fault. They want to kick people like me to the curb just because I don't make enough money to donate to their campaigns and because I am juuuuuust brown enough for them to call me a wetback, never mind that my family has been here (not just a general 'here', I mean literally in this geographical location) even before the French and Spaniards started coming through.
(Yeah, it turns out he's got Type 2 Diabetes. Fun.)