(03-15-2020, 11:53 AM)SilverFang01 Wrote: Raj, keep the antisemític dogwhistles and your racism out of the thread.
Conservatives are always complaining about how their vision of government with their focus on deregulation and free market solutions to everything is what this country needs to always come on top. That the reduction of government services and its capabilities to manage crisis are a necessity in order to bring about a renaissance of a largely mythical past.
For almost 40 years, conservatism has been able to implement their policies and ideas with minimum interference and sometimes the willing cooperation of the Democratic Party establishment. As a matter of fact, the election of Donald Trump was seen as a way to implement those changes faster, because a big sector of the electorate had run out of patience with the slow approach.
Well? This is the big test. The time to prove without a shadow of a doubt that you were right. That only you knew the road to the promised land.
I would have expected that Wall St. would have been cheering with the display of how effective hands off government is. Everyone naturally acting according to their self-interest without any need for government action.
Reality shows that is a failure. That Reagan was wrong. That the most terrifying words in the English language aren’t “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help,” but “You got to help me! I don't know what to do. I can't make decisions! I'm a president!”
When asked about firing the CDC pandemic response team in 2008? “I’m not responsible. That is a nasty question.”
This crisis is showing that crisis management is a crucial part of the president’s and government’s job. It’s not exclusively about media narratives, legislative fights, ideological struggle, and culture wars. When your primary qualification for the job is someone who will shake things up and show those bureaucrats and elitists who is boss? You get the mismanagement seen during Katrina, Hurricane Maria, and now this.
You are mad because we are questioning Trump and his administration’s response to the crisis? If dear leader can't be criticized, can't be questioned, can't be asked for clarity, without you immediately and reflexively screaming in outrage...
...you're not in an a political movement. You're in a cult.
Now, SilverFang, What exactly in my post sounded like an Anti-Semitic Dogwhistle to you? I don't see anything there and i would love for you to point it out.
Also, if you think for one damn minute that the last 40 years has been a conservative walkover of society, then you need to leave, because if anything it's been a constant battle of balance. The democrats promised to build a barrier on the southern border twice, in 1986 and again in 2009, both times congress IMMEDIATELY defunded the project. The Clinton administration, gods where do i begin, but at least he saw at least some sense (more likely the writing on the damn wall) and worked WITH congress after 1996. W, while not my favorite person, tried to work with Nancy Pelosi when she became speaker, (of course that got us the GM bailout that only bailed out the corporate masters and the union officials, not any of us little people that held GM stock, no) Then we have OBAMA.
Now, looking at CDC records and a quick google search of the origins of the disease, H1N1 Influenza also came out of China and then moved into Russia, (here) but other than a minor outbreak in Fort Dix where USAMRID is based, we don't see anything about it until 2009 when there is an outbreak, starting in Mexico, and then having it's first US case in California, (timeline here) The reaction of the Obama administration was to effectively ignore it until August when someone was finally able to get them to talk about it, (outside the CDC and HHS offices) then they finally got around to having a meeting about it in September. Effectively they left it wo the rest of the world to handle.
Comparitively: The timeline on Covid-19 is a bit more tight in the US.
December 31, 2019-WHO raises the issue that something is funky in China, the Chinese, (who we have found had actually been hiding it for over 2 months already) say nothing is wrong, they have it under control.
January 7,2020-WHO Announces that there has been an outbreak in the Wuhan Province specifically around the city of Hubei.
January 31, 2020- Trump announces a travel ban on all persons from China and is lambasted in the mainstream media for doing so, being called xenophobic, racist. Here are a couple of examples
Washington Post
Democracy Now (she actually makes my damn point about Globalism)
and then over the last 6 weeks he was proved right to have done so. Now, has the Chinese, and EU gotten pissy because of the travel bans, yes. SUCK IT UP! and even though Chuckles Schumer is saying that "the Administration took to long to wake up to the issue" as i have shown you, they acted a hell of a lot faster and better than Obama did. also note, Obama never instituted a travel ban, to anywhere, whereas three weeks after the WHO said something, Trump had one in place.
now, since i have spent an hour and a half going through you tube clips to find what i needed to, i'm going to go to bed and i will address the rest of you either tomorrow or saturday.
Wolf wins every fight but the one where he dies, fangs locked around the throat of his opponent.
Currently writing BROBd
Currently writing BROBd