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Not how to crowd the pandemic out of the headlines - 22 dead in NS
RE: Not how to crowd the pandemic out of the headlines - 17 dead in NS
They didn't have a press conference yesterday, so we don't know whether a note has or hasn't been found.

(I suspect they didn't have a press conference yesterday because they didn't want to have to explain why the cellphone warning system - the one that sends alerts out at the equivalent of Presidential-level importance - wasn't used to warn people that an active shooter was loose. The government has already said that they would have sent out any message that the Mounties asked them to send, but no request was made and no information was provided for the government to be able to write an alert.)
Rob Kelk

Sticks and stones can break your bones,
But words can break your heart.
- unknown

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RE: Not how to crowd the pandemic out of the headlines - 17 dead in NS - by robkelk - 04-22-2020, 08:54 AM

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