when people overseas can't buy stuff you make because you can't make or ship it, when you are pouring dairy products down the drain and euthanizing livestock because we can't put the people to work in the processing plants, when the ANNUAL FUCKING DEBT TRIPLES IN ONE YEAR just to keep various businesses afloat, (not to mention the rampant inflation that is likely to follow) thats a damn problem.
it isn't a matter of globalism Rob, we're stuck, currently, with a global economy which CANNOT be changed in six fucking months, let alone the three we've had since this started in earnest. You talk about safety nets, and i see the problem those safety nets create, the "refractory" housing in france, the section 8 housing in the US, basically places that are almost NO GO zones for police unless they are in damn riot gear because the sub-culture of the areas have taught them to hate the police but depend on the government for handouts. The creation of entitlements that have no end, and no impetus to get people off of them because it is easier for them to live on something that barely keeps them comfortable than take the chance of finding and then losing a job, or because they just don't want to FUCKING WORK.
In short, i am not happy with the way things have gone this last few months, but i am seeing a bright and shining light at the end of the tunnel, and the people in the US who think like you do are not going to like the results
when people overseas can't buy stuff you make because you can't make or ship it, when you are pouring dairy products down the drain and euthanizing livestock because we can't put the people to work in the processing plants, when the ANNUAL FUCKING DEBT TRIPLES IN ONE YEAR just to keep various businesses afloat, (not to mention the rampant inflation that is likely to follow) thats a damn problem.
it isn't a matter of globalism Rob, we're stuck, currently, with a global economy which CANNOT be changed in six fucking months, let alone the three we've had since this started in earnest. You talk about safety nets, and i see the problem those safety nets create, the "refractory" housing in france, the section 8 housing in the US, basically places that are almost NO GO zones for police unless they are in damn riot gear because the sub-culture of the areas have taught them to hate the police but depend on the government for handouts. The creation of entitlements that have no end, and no impetus to get people off of them because it is easier for them to live on something that barely keeps them comfortable than take the chance of finding and then losing a job, or because they just don't want to FUCKING WORK.
In short, i am not happy with the way things have gone this last few months, but i am seeing a bright and shining light at the end of the tunnel, and the people in the US who think like you do are not going to like the results
Wolf wins every fight but the one where he dies, fangs locked around the throat of his opponent.
Currently writing BROBd
Currently writing BROBd