Another problem Saruman has is that he has a (few) thousend very high quality troops, but they have very limited logistical support once they leave Isengard. Food and water isn't the problem, true, but ammunition is, and they can't just roll into town and expect to have the thousends of rounds a major battle would require waiting for them, or the expertise and resources needed to make them in sufficient quantity and quality available right then and there.
He's very much vulnerable to getting his supply lines cut off and his forces would be stuck with defending themselves while wearing light armour and wielding clumsy short spears against much better trained and equiped melee troops. It would be costly as hell for Sauron and require tremendous discipline (or just plain fear) on the part of his forces, but it's possible.
He's very much vulnerable to getting his supply lines cut off and his forces would be stuck with defending themselves while wearing light armour and wielding clumsy short spears against much better trained and equiped melee troops. It would be costly as hell for Sauron and require tremendous discipline (or just plain fear) on the part of his forces, but it's possible.