I actually have some data I was putting together for some Fen/Dane colonies for a [2020 UN/FC Extrasolar Colony Conference] thread I was considering making (still am actually...). Being Fenspace, some of the extrasolar government names are taken from Civilization - I couldn't resist. Some is data already on the Fenwiki, other is original. It's still incomplete and has blatant holes, but here it is.
Also, I can't seem to post this without the format borking. Sorry.
a. Groombridge 34 Star System
Groombridge 34 A System [Settlers: South Asia Conference]
[11.624 LY from Sol]
Primary: Karna
Zenith Recharging Point: “UNSS ???”
I: Meru {Class D}
II: Thuvaraiyam Pathi {M1}
III: Shamballa {M1; moon Kalapa}
Example Colonies [Settlement, Region/State, Continent]:
Indraprastha, , (Indian settlers)
IV: Kumari Kandam {M1; ethnic minority settlers with Indian assistance; 16 island continents [Anga, Assaka, Avanti, Chedi, Gandhara, Kashi, Kamboja, Kosala, Kuru, Magadha, Malla, Matsya, Panchala, Surasena, Vriji, and Vatsa]; two captured asteroid moons}
Example Colonies [Settlement, Region/State, Continent]:
Dagon, Suvarnabhumi, Chedi {Burmese Myanmar settlers}
Thaton, Thuwunnabumi, Magadha (Mon Myanmar settlers)
, Siam, Kashi {Thai settlers}
, Kampuchea, {Cambodian settlers}
, , Kosala {Nepalese settlers}
V: Asteroid Belt {half Sol’s density}
VI: Mughal {S)
Companion: Groombridge 34 B System
Primary: Agni
Features: asteroid belts; ~24 dwarf planets
b. Tau Ceti System [Settlers: Fenspace Convention]
[11.9 LY from Sol; 8.69 Days by Spacewarp Drive; 10.43 Hour Interwave Lag]
Primary: Torajii
Zenith Recharging Point: “UNSS Bad Wolf”
I: Krop Tor
II: Minyos
III: Krontep
IV: Karn
V: Gallifrey {Continents Wild Endeavor & The Citadel; island continents The Stopwatch, Perdition, Rassilon’s Isles, Harmony, & The Untempered Schism; silverleaf trees; moons Master and Doctor;
Example Colonies [Settlement, Region/State, Continent]:
Ptichka’s Landing, Free People’s Serene Temporal Republic of Gallifrey {Love & Rage Collective}
San Angeles, New California Republic, Wild Endeavor
FTA Fremen Combine
Miskatonic County, Miskatonic River Valley, Perdition {Horror & Mystery Fen; surprisingly cheery place; fishing very big thing locally; visiting on various 'gloom and doom' holidays are big treats}
---Silent Hill {capital}
---Arkham {university city}
---Kingsport {largest fishing locale}
---Innsmouth {second largest fishing locale}
---Jerusalem's Lot {largest farming locale}
VI: Skaro
Moon: Davros {Starfleet Class O9; UFP Oceanic Training Centre}
c. GJ 412 A System [Settlers: League of Islamic Nations]
[15.832 LY from Sol]
Primary: Nuha
Nadir Recharging Point: “UNSS al-Falah” ("Our Success")
I: {J3}
II: Basamum {M1; moons Ta'lab and Ruda; seven continents Hatti, Elam, Khem, Mashu, Amurru, Sumer, and Akkad}
Example Colonies [Settlement, Region/State, Continent]:
Dar al Salaam, Eridu, Sumer {international capital}
, Uruk, Sumer {Kuwaiti settlers}
Hufaidh City, Hufaidh Island, Akkad {Iraqi settlers}
, , Akkad {Jordanian settlers}
, , Elam {Iranian settlers}
, , Amurru {Saudi Arabian settlers}
, , Mashu {Lebanese settlers}
Hattusas, Galatia, Hatti {Turkish settlers}
Memphis, New Nile River Valley, Khem {Egyptian settlers}
"SV Golden Shah", Island-Class Habitat Ship, Orbit
III: {T}
IV: {S}
V: {O11}
VI: {R}
GJ 412 B: Yam
d. Groombridge 1618 System [Settlers: Levant Consortium and N.U.N. Government]
[15.848 LY from Sol]
Primary: Helios
Nadir Recharging Point: “UNSS Thrinacia”
I: Nod (Semetic "wilderness")
II: Sephiroth
III: Babel (Moons Sodom, Gomorrah, and Jericho)
IV: Eden {six continents Anatolia, Canaan, Dilmun, Urartu, Mitanni, and Chaldea; Moon Kinneret; New Edwards Test Flight Centre}
Example Colonies [Settlement, Region/State, Continent]
Macross City, Garalia, Chaldea {planetary capital}
Pentapolis of Sogdiana, Dilmun {Zoroastrian settlers}
Cyropolis, Maracanda, Numijkat, Panchekanth, & Kesh
Ashur, Republic of Assyria, Urartu {Assyrian settlers}
Tarsos, Union of Cilecia, Urartu {Armenian settlers}
Irem, Republic of Kurdistan, Urartu {Kurdish settlers}
Maccabee, State of Galilee, Canaan {Israeli settlers}
Constantinople, Republic of Byzantium, Anatolia {various Eastern Orthodox Church settlers}
"NUNS Heliopolis," Island-Class Habitat Ship, Orbit
V: Naharim {Moons Yarden and Arantu; Semitic "between the rivers"; Starfleet Class K13 [standard atmosphere, little/no water, cold]}
VI: Golgotha Asteroid Belt
VII: Sheol {Gas Giant; Moons Abaddon ["ruin"; dead rock], Bor ["the pit"; Mimas-style crater], Gehinnom [in Greek "Gehenna"; in English "Valley of Hinnom"; volcanic], and Shakhat ["corruption"; significant radioactives]}
e. Sigma Draconis System [Settlers: Pan-Asian Cooperative (PRC)]
[18.81 LY from Sol; 13.74 Days by Spacewarp Drive; 16.49 Hour Interwave Lag]
Primary: Xīhé
Zenith Recharging Point: "UNSS Zhulong"
I: Nüba/Hanba
II: Yù Huáng/Tiān Gōng
III: Yushan {two moons Chang'e and Changzi; 1.12G; Changqing Defense Institute}
Example Colonies [Settlement, Region/State, Continent]
IV: Fuxi/Paoxi
V: Erlang Shen/Yang Jian
VI: Pangu Asteroid Belt {dwarf planets Fuxi, Nüwa, and Hua Hsu}
VII: Xi Wangmu/Yáochí Jīnmǔ
VIII: Dao {Gas Supergiant; several dozen moons named after Taoist deities; significant moons Magu, Yuanshi Tianzun, Lingbao Tianzun, and Daode Tianzun}
(AN: Can't decide between names!)
f. Delta Pavonis System [Settlers: Fenspace Convention]
[19.92 LY from Sol; 14.55 Days by Spacewarp Drive; 17.46 Hour Interwave Lag]
Primary: Dagr
Nadir Charging Point: “UNSS Caladan”
I: Helheim {D}
II: Alfheim {F14; Moon Skidbladnir}
III: Midgard {K2}
IV: Yggdrasil {M1; CitD 3077 Population 38,750,000; Moons Urthur, Verthandi, and Skuld; Tannhauser Gate; Continents Hyborea (north) and Aquilonia (south); Cimmerian borderlands (northern iceline); .81G; 50% surface water; in ice age; 28 hour day; 331 Earth day year}
Example Colonies [Settlement, Region/State, Continent]:
Queendom of Aquilonia
Tarantia {capital; Tannhauser Research Institute}
Casterbridge, Wessex, Hyborea {Ministry of Magic; militia Royal Wessex Rangers}
V: Asgard {S}
VI: Vanaheim {S}
VII: Svartalfheim {O10}
VIII: Nidavellir {D}
IX: Jotunheim {S; one of moons Utgard-Loki is O12}
X: Niflheim {T}
g. Vega System [Settlers: Slavic Federation]
[25.3 LY from Sol; 18.48 Days by Spacewarp Drive; 22.17 Hour Interwave Lag]
Primary: Skinfaxi
Zenith Charging Point: "UNSS Zhinü"
: Zirnitra {M; }
Example Colonies {Settlement, Region/State, Continent}:
Kitezh, Kvenland, Rodinia {Russian settlers}
, , Kenorland
, , Baltica
h. Great Crow Star System
p Eridani A / Yatagarasu System [Settlers: East Asian Alliance]
[26.3 LY from Sol; 7.3 Days by Spacewarp Drive; 8.77 Hour Interwave Lag]
Primary: Amaterasu
Nadir Charging Station: “UNSS Takamagahara”
I: Ame-no-Uzume
II: Sarutahiko Okami
III: Futsunushi
V: Inari {M2: Moon Tsukuyomi; oceans Shihotsuchi & Ohowatatsumi; four continents ???, Fu Sang, Gojoseon, and Onogoro; Onogoro [largest; Ikazuchi, Hachiman, and Ohoyamatsumi Mountain Ranges; Otohime Inland Sea; Seorituhime River; Takitsuhiko Falls; Kukunoshi Forest; Wakoku Archipelago; Uka-no-Mitama Lowlands (excellent rice-growing locale)]; Gojoseon [Sangsegyeong, Jungsegyeong, and Hasegyeog Plains; Sansin Mountain Range]}
Example Colonies [Settlement, Region/State, Continent]:
Nantwa, Tsushima Province, Onogoro {Yamato settlers}
Mirai, Ezochi Province, Onogoro {Ainu settlers}
Togenkyo, Liuqiu Islands, Onogoro {Ryukyuan settlers}
Asadal, Capital , Gojoseon {Republic of Korea settlers}
Tayouan, Yizhou, Fu Sang (Republic of China settlers)
VI: Susano'o {S; moons Raijin, Takemikazuchi, Takiokami, Shimatsuhiko, and Kuraokami}
VII: Amano-Iwato Asteroid Belt {dwarf planets Omoikane and Ame-no-Tajikarao}
VIII: Amenominakanushi {S; Moons Kunitokotachi, Izanami, Izanagi, and Homusubi}
p Epsilon B / Samjok-o System [Settlers: Not Inhabited, Terraforming Candidate]
II: Jowangsin
III: Samsin Halmoni
IV: Teojushin {marginally habitable?; mining location?}
V: Hwan-in {S; moons Dangun, Ungnyeo, and Hwan-ung}
VI: Bonpuri {T; moons Cheonjiwang, Bakiwang, Daebyeolwang, Sobyeolwang, Sumyeongmangja, Dangchilseong, Maehwa, Mago, Mireuk, and Seokga}
p Epsilon C / Jinwu System [Settlers: Not Inhabited, Terraforming Candidate]
i. 61 Virginis System [Settlers: Pan-Asian Cooperative (PRC-Supported Non-Chinese)]
[27.81 LY from Sol; 20.31 Days by Spacewarp Drive; 24.37 Hour Interwave Lag]
Zenith Recharging Point: “UNSS ”
II: habitable
Example Colonies [Settlement, Region/State, Continent]
, , (Lao settlers)
Tong Binh, , {Vietnamese settlers}
, , (Sri Lankan settlers)
, , (DPRepublic of Korea settlers)
, , (Bangladesh settlers)
IV: Asteroid Belt
j. Chara System [Settlers: Latin American Federation]
Primary: Chara
Nadir Recharging Station: "UNSS Asterion"
I: B'alam (most Mayan languages "jaguar")
II: Machu Pichu Asteroid Belt {named after name of sole dwarf planet there}
III: Cipactli {M1; continents Aztlán, Chicomoztoc, Tamoanchan, and Paititi}
Example Colonies [Settlement, Region/State, Continent]:
Sulaco, Costaguana Republic, Aztlán {national capital}
Gran Isabella Isle, Costaguana Republic, Aztlán {fish town}
San Tomé, Costaguana Republic, Aztlán {monastic community}
Esmeralda, Occidental Province, Aztlán {planet capital}
IV: Tenochitlan {Class K15; ocean has life-filled geothermal-heated pockets; world in "Snowball Earth"-style period}
V: Los Noches {unusually large void between Tenochitlan and Mesoamerica}
VI: Mesoamerica {gas supergiant; major moons Olmec, Aztec, Inca, Nazca, Toltec, Maya, Muisca, Tenohican, and Chavin [irregular orbits; may be captured dwarf planets from Los Noches]}
k. Eta Cassiopeiae A System [Settlers: United American States of Gwynned]
[19.42 LY from Sol; 14.18 Days by Spacewarp Drive; 17.02 Hour Interwave Lag]
Primary: Achird
I: Mag Ildathach
II: Tír nAill
III: Annwyn {gas giant 149.34 Earth day year; Gardener station}
III-L: Gwynedd {50,000 to 52,387,000 in CitD 3077; semi-tropical; 97 hour day; 21.53 Earth day orbit; "GCAS Prydwen"}
Example Colonies [Settlement, Region/State, Continent]:
Vespucci, Blue Coast, Terra Nova {capital}
New Philadelphia, Grand Plains, Columbia {American settlers}
Glenndale, Green Acres, Laurentia {Canadian settlers}
Eta Cassiopeiae B: "Cassie" {unofficial}
l. Rigil Kentaurus B System [Settlers: Fenspace Convention]
[4.22 LY from Sol; 3.21 Days by Spacewarp Drive; 3.85 Hour Interwave Lag]
Primary: Hyperion
I: Nessus
II: Eurynomus
III: Chiron {Saganville [pop. 12,500]; other 12,500 spread out}
Deep Space Four Station {pop. 700}
m. Lalande 21185 System [Settlers: Fenspace Convention]
[8.31 LY from Sol; 6.07 Days by Spacewarp Drive; 7.29 Hour Interwave Lag]
Gatewood (Rainbow's End Station; 1,250,000 in CitD 3077)
n. 40 Eridani System [Settlers: United Federation of Planets]
[16.45 LY from Sol; 12.02 Days by Spacewarp Drive; 14.42 Hour Interwave Lag]
Primary: Keid A
I: Surak
IIA: Vulcan {Mount Seleya [Hall of Ancient Thought; al-Dar Mosque; Ethiopian Orthodox cathedral and monastery; RCC Jesuit church; Buddhist monastery]; 7,500 to 16,500,000 in CitD in 3077; .87G; 99.95 surface water; temperate; 38.75 hour day; 182 Earth day year}
Example Colonies [Settlement, Region/State, Continent]:
Shi'Kar, n/a, Great Ocean {capital}
IIB: T'kut {warm Mars; Raptor's Wings [anarchist commune defense unit]}
o. Zeta 1 Reticuli System [Settlers: Sozvezdie Soviet]
[39.53 LY from Sol; 28.88 Days by Spacewarp Drive; 34.65 Hour Interwave Lag]
Primary: Prometheus
Zenith Recharging Station: "UNSS Silmarillion"
I: Elemmire {small Mercury-type planet with dense iron core}
II: Earendil {warm terrestrial world covered almost entirely by deep ocean; resembles in some ways the popular conception of Venus before the beginning of the space age; would probably be considered a paradise
save for the extremely dense atmosphere consisting of mostly nitrogen and helium with only 3% free oxygen; at 4.1 bar (the rough atmospheric pressure at sea level on Earendil) the mixture of nitrogen, helium and oxygen present in the atmosphere is breathable by Earth life (not a pleasant experience by any means, but doable)}
III: Arda {Free Cities of Osgiliath, Ithilien, & Dol Amroth, Anduin Valley, People's Republic of Gondor, continent Endor; Gondor Free University; southern hemisphere Earthers emigrated to continent Beleriand; Aulë Foundation}
Moon Valinor {terraformed moon smaller than Luna; biosphere from Arda; completed around 30,000 years ago}
Stargate "Night's Door"
III: Carnil {large shallow oceans; extensive mountain ranges; life hasn't really developed past the algae-and-fish stage; continental masses are largely uncolonized, while the oceans have extensive biospheres based on subsurface mats of kelplike plants}
IV: Alcarinque {Jupiter-type world; rings more extensive than Saturn's}
V: Lumbar {gas giant}
VI: Nenar {Neptunian ice dwarf with larger than normal number of moons}
VII: Lunil {ice dwarf}
VIII: Morgoth {ice dwarf; moon Sauron has extensive volcanic activity}
p. Zeta Tucanae System [Settlers: Stellvia Corporation and Chartered Thule Company]
[28.03 LY from Sol; 20.47 Days by Spacewarp Drive; 24.57 Hour Interwave Lag]
Primary: Therbeeo
Zenith Recharging Station: "UNSS ???"
I: Baltia
II: Krocylea
III: Scheria
IV: Thule {Moon [150% Luna-sized]; .993G; 456.9 Earth Day Orbit; 19.59 Hour Local Day; 6 million year ice age; skies are cloudless more often than not; much of temperate inland is desert; only in places where glacial runoff collects into rivers is there much surface life, mostly hardy plants with some animals adapted to the constant cold; largest land animal discovered by explorers is Thulian ice-weasel, a quadraped dinosauroid that lives in and around the glacial rivers; Equatorial ocean Okeanos; [Charter: Kingdom of Monaco]}
Example Colonies {Settlement, Region/State, Continent}:
Mandeville {capital; population >2,500}
"SCSS Eyrie," Island-Class Habitat Ship, Orbit
V: Aegilips
VI: Same
VII: Neritum
VIII: Panchaea
IX: Ogygia
X: Aeaea
q. Epsilon Eridani System [Settlers: United Federation of Planets]
[10.5 LY from Sol; 7.67 Days by Spacewarp Drive; 9.2 Hour Interwave Lag]
Primary: Abraxas
?: Arcadia {Axanar Station (Millennium Tower-Class Terrestrial Settlement); Devonian stage of development; large oceans teaming with life; plants and ferns have colonized surface; likely terraformed; 12 hour day; 1 moon; popular tourist destination for multi-week cruises; Iconian Gate crashed on surface at unknown point; the Handwavium-incorporating, seven-gendered species Sparks feed on Gate energy}
<WARNING: UFP Arcadian Ecological Preservation Area>
<Admittance Requires Following Guidelines from Federation Council>
<1. Commercial exloitation and mining are forbidden.>
<2. Tourists are required to leave no trash behind.>
r. Alpha Centauri System <Rigil Kentaurus A> [Settlers: United Federation of Planets]
[4.39 LY from Sol; 3.21 Days by Spacewarp Drive; 3.85 Hour Interwave Lag]
Primary: Apollo
I: Klymene
II: Epimetheus {gas giant}
Moon: Pandora {Ewya, Hallelujah Plateau (population 2,500)}
Starbase 2 Station [SB-002]
Pablo's Cajun Sushi Bar and Hominy House
Artemis Foundation Local Office
III: Anchiale {slightly-denser, marginally more habitable Mars}
IV: Perses
V: Leto
VI: Cronus
s. 47 Ursae Majoris System [Settlers: European Confederation]
[45.91 LY from Sol; 33.54 Days by Spacewarp Drive; 40.25 Hour Interwave Lag]
Primary: Neto
Nadir Recharging Station: "UNSS Beaumonde"
I: Rosmerta
II: Artio {M1; Moons Tartessos and Knossos; five continents Scandinavia, Gaul, Thrace, Hispania, and Sarmatia}
Example Colonies {Settlement, Region/State, Continent}:
Europia, Capital Territory, Sarmatia {planetary capital}
Nova Roma, Etruscan Coast, Sarmatia {Italian settlers}
Lutetia, Belle Terre, Gaul {French settlers}
Neustadt, Rhaetia, Gaul {German settlers}
Nysa, Tritonis Sea, Thrace {Greek settlers}
Norubega, Vinland, Scandinavia {Norwegian settlers}
Mussor, ???, Scandinavia {Finnish settlers}
Royllo, Isla Antillia, Hispania {Spanish settlers}
III: Nabia
IV: Intarabus
V: Taranis
VI: Epona
VII: Alaunus
VIII: Aveta
IX: Borvo
t. 85 Pegasi A System [Settlers: Commonwealth of the Pacific]
[40.45 LY from Sol; 29.55 Days by Spacewarp Drive; 35.46 Hour Interwave Lag]
Primary: Tama-nui-te-ra <Maori>
Zenith Charging Station: "UNSS Adlaw"
I: Mahuika {molten ball}
II: Hawaiki {Moons Fati, Mahina, and Avatea; supercontinent Mu ("shaped like a jagged, funhouse mirror starburst") and large eastern, western, and southern island groups; tropical and subtropical mainly, while temperate towards poles; .91G; 67% surface water; complex life is present; planet oxygenated through mats of oceanic cyanobacteria; local Great Oxygenation Event estimated at 10,700,000 years ago; surprisingly, life has developed in a series of landlocked freshwater lakes, apparently independent of the sea; complex ecosystem has evolved to colonize wetlands surrounding lakes out to 700 kilometers at furthest stretch; declared Permanent International Mu Preserve, no allowance for settlement, development, or exploitation; steps (?) taken to prevent encroachment by introduced species; introduced Earth life adapting well to colonizing surface; isolated small bays sealed off [method?] for marine life introduction}
Example Colonies {Settlement, Region/State, Continent}:
Awaiting Partial Terraforming
"SV 'Ohana", Island-Class Habitat Ship, Orbit {lit "family"}
III: Poliahu {frozen world ala Hoth}
IV: Pele {extremely volcanic superterrestrial; toxic atmosphere} <Hawaian>
V: Bathala {Class T gas supergiant; extensive moon system} <Tagalog>
Moon Idiyanale (colonial domes assisting with the terraforming by growing flora/fauna and mining resources have been founded as permanent to semi-permanent settlements}
VI: Ika-Roa {Class S gas giant} <Maori>
u. CD -32°8179 A System [Settlers: Cosmic British Commonwealth]
[31.11 LY from Sol; 22.73 Days by Spacewarp Drive; 27.27 Hour Interwave Lag]
Primary: Belenus
Zenith Recharging Station: “UNSS Doggerbank”
I: Morrigan {S}
II: Rhiannon Asteroid Belt
III: Ainé {B}
IV: Ogma {M1: moons Danu & Dagda; continents Alba, Prydain, Eriu, Dyfed, and Lyonesse; Oceans Britannia, Caledonia, Dunmonia, Hibernia, and Cambria}
Example Colonies {Settlement, Region/State, Continent}:
Teamhair, Moytura, Eriu {Republic of Ireland settlers}
Emain Macha, Ulaid, Eriu {Northern Irish settlers}
Caer Wyddno, Cantre'r Gwaelod, Dyfed {Welsh settlers}
Camelot, Camlann, Dyfed {capital}
Londenium, Logres, Prydain {English settlers}
Damnar, Lethowsow, Prydain {Cornish & Manx settlers}
Stadacona, Montmorency Island, Lyonesse {Canadian settlers}
Dun Scaith, Midlands, Alba {Scottish settlers}
Fairhaven, Fairfield, Lyonesse {Australian settlers}
New Cape Town, Bechuanaland, Alba {South African settlers}
V: Brigid {K8}
VI: Cernunnos {D}
CD -32°8179 B: Belisama
v. System [Settlers: People's African Union]
Lake Uniamési, Laurasia
, Gondwana
w. Nemesis System [Settlers: Fenspace Convention, Azkaban Prison Authority]
Primary: Nemesis (Nickname: Voldemort's Eye)
I. Azkaban
Example Colonies {Settlement, Region/State, Continent}:
Azkaban Prison
Port Malfoy
x. Gliese 667 C System [Settlers: ?]
[22.74 LY from Sol; 16.61 Days by Spacewarp Drive; 19.93 Hour Interwave Lag]
Primary: Ra
Zenith Recharging Station: “UNSS Duat”
I: {Moon }
II: Thoth {Moons Ma'at and Isfet}
III: Zerzura {Class M; moons Khonsu; extensive underground aquifers}
Example Colonies {Settlement, Region/State, Continent}:
IV: Khnum {superterrestrial; Moon Heka}
IV-A: Heka {M}
V: Amun {S; moons Mut, Wosret, Amaunet, Iusaaset}
VI: Shu {T; moons Horus, Anubis, Nut, Geb, Tefnut, Osiris, Isis, Nepthys, Set, Kebechet, Min, and Anput}
VII: Asteroid Belt {dwarf planets Ptah, Bast, Sekhmet, Maahes, and Nefertem}
VIII: Heka {S; moons Babi, Bes, Nemty, Nekhbet, Tawaret, and Gengen-Wer}
IX: {S; Ammit, Sobek, Serqet, Heket, Hapi, Neith, and Hathor}
X: Meretseger {moons Apophis and Shezmu}
Gliese 667 A and B: <Other Sun Deities for Names: Khepri, Aten, or Montu?>
y. Epsilon Indi / Wonderland Star System [Settlers: Terraforming Candidate]
z. Wolf 359 System (Settlers: Tycho Brahe Institute for Interstellar Research)
Primary: Fenris
I. Heimdal (Class S1)
II & III. Binary Planets
II. Muspellsheimr (Class Y345/K10)
Baystation: Reykjavik Station (base for TBIIR)
III. Nifelheimr (Class Y345/F13)
IV: Hel (Class S3; moons Garmr, Geri, and Freki)
Also, I can't seem to post this without the format borking. Sorry.
a. Groombridge 34 Star System
Groombridge 34 A System [Settlers: South Asia Conference]
[11.624 LY from Sol]
Primary: Karna
Zenith Recharging Point: “UNSS ???”
I: Meru {Class D}
II: Thuvaraiyam Pathi {M1}
III: Shamballa {M1; moon Kalapa}
Example Colonies [Settlement, Region/State, Continent]:
Indraprastha, , (Indian settlers)
IV: Kumari Kandam {M1; ethnic minority settlers with Indian assistance; 16 island continents [Anga, Assaka, Avanti, Chedi, Gandhara, Kashi, Kamboja, Kosala, Kuru, Magadha, Malla, Matsya, Panchala, Surasena, Vriji, and Vatsa]; two captured asteroid moons}
Example Colonies [Settlement, Region/State, Continent]:
Dagon, Suvarnabhumi, Chedi {Burmese Myanmar settlers}
Thaton, Thuwunnabumi, Magadha (Mon Myanmar settlers)
, Siam, Kashi {Thai settlers}
, Kampuchea, {Cambodian settlers}
, , Kosala {Nepalese settlers}
V: Asteroid Belt {half Sol’s density}
VI: Mughal {S)
Companion: Groombridge 34 B System
Primary: Agni
Features: asteroid belts; ~24 dwarf planets
b. Tau Ceti System [Settlers: Fenspace Convention]
[11.9 LY from Sol; 8.69 Days by Spacewarp Drive; 10.43 Hour Interwave Lag]
Primary: Torajii
Zenith Recharging Point: “UNSS Bad Wolf”
I: Krop Tor
II: Minyos
III: Krontep
IV: Karn
V: Gallifrey {Continents Wild Endeavor & The Citadel; island continents The Stopwatch, Perdition, Rassilon’s Isles, Harmony, & The Untempered Schism; silverleaf trees; moons Master and Doctor;
Example Colonies [Settlement, Region/State, Continent]:
Ptichka’s Landing, Free People’s Serene Temporal Republic of Gallifrey {Love & Rage Collective}
San Angeles, New California Republic, Wild Endeavor
FTA Fremen Combine
Miskatonic County, Miskatonic River Valley, Perdition {Horror & Mystery Fen; surprisingly cheery place; fishing very big thing locally; visiting on various 'gloom and doom' holidays are big treats}
---Silent Hill {capital}
---Arkham {university city}
---Kingsport {largest fishing locale}
---Innsmouth {second largest fishing locale}
---Jerusalem's Lot {largest farming locale}
VI: Skaro
Moon: Davros {Starfleet Class O9; UFP Oceanic Training Centre}
c. GJ 412 A System [Settlers: League of Islamic Nations]
[15.832 LY from Sol]
Primary: Nuha
Nadir Recharging Point: “UNSS al-Falah” ("Our Success")
I: {J3}
II: Basamum {M1; moons Ta'lab and Ruda; seven continents Hatti, Elam, Khem, Mashu, Amurru, Sumer, and Akkad}
Example Colonies [Settlement, Region/State, Continent]:
Dar al Salaam, Eridu, Sumer {international capital}
, Uruk, Sumer {Kuwaiti settlers}
Hufaidh City, Hufaidh Island, Akkad {Iraqi settlers}
, , Akkad {Jordanian settlers}
, , Elam {Iranian settlers}
, , Amurru {Saudi Arabian settlers}
, , Mashu {Lebanese settlers}
Hattusas, Galatia, Hatti {Turkish settlers}
Memphis, New Nile River Valley, Khem {Egyptian settlers}
"SV Golden Shah", Island-Class Habitat Ship, Orbit
III: {T}
IV: {S}
V: {O11}
VI: {R}
GJ 412 B: Yam
d. Groombridge 1618 System [Settlers: Levant Consortium and N.U.N. Government]
[15.848 LY from Sol]
Primary: Helios
Nadir Recharging Point: “UNSS Thrinacia”
I: Nod (Semetic "wilderness")
II: Sephiroth
III: Babel (Moons Sodom, Gomorrah, and Jericho)
IV: Eden {six continents Anatolia, Canaan, Dilmun, Urartu, Mitanni, and Chaldea; Moon Kinneret; New Edwards Test Flight Centre}
Example Colonies [Settlement, Region/State, Continent]
Macross City, Garalia, Chaldea {planetary capital}
Pentapolis of Sogdiana, Dilmun {Zoroastrian settlers}
Cyropolis, Maracanda, Numijkat, Panchekanth, & Kesh
Ashur, Republic of Assyria, Urartu {Assyrian settlers}
Tarsos, Union of Cilecia, Urartu {Armenian settlers}
Irem, Republic of Kurdistan, Urartu {Kurdish settlers}
Maccabee, State of Galilee, Canaan {Israeli settlers}
Constantinople, Republic of Byzantium, Anatolia {various Eastern Orthodox Church settlers}
"NUNS Heliopolis," Island-Class Habitat Ship, Orbit
V: Naharim {Moons Yarden and Arantu; Semitic "between the rivers"; Starfleet Class K13 [standard atmosphere, little/no water, cold]}
VI: Golgotha Asteroid Belt
VII: Sheol {Gas Giant; Moons Abaddon ["ruin"; dead rock], Bor ["the pit"; Mimas-style crater], Gehinnom [in Greek "Gehenna"; in English "Valley of Hinnom"; volcanic], and Shakhat ["corruption"; significant radioactives]}
e. Sigma Draconis System [Settlers: Pan-Asian Cooperative (PRC)]
[18.81 LY from Sol; 13.74 Days by Spacewarp Drive; 16.49 Hour Interwave Lag]
Primary: Xīhé
Zenith Recharging Point: "UNSS Zhulong"
I: Nüba/Hanba
II: Yù Huáng/Tiān Gōng
III: Yushan {two moons Chang'e and Changzi; 1.12G; Changqing Defense Institute}
Example Colonies [Settlement, Region/State, Continent]
IV: Fuxi/Paoxi
V: Erlang Shen/Yang Jian
VI: Pangu Asteroid Belt {dwarf planets Fuxi, Nüwa, and Hua Hsu}
VII: Xi Wangmu/Yáochí Jīnmǔ
VIII: Dao {Gas Supergiant; several dozen moons named after Taoist deities; significant moons Magu, Yuanshi Tianzun, Lingbao Tianzun, and Daode Tianzun}
(AN: Can't decide between names!)
f. Delta Pavonis System [Settlers: Fenspace Convention]
[19.92 LY from Sol; 14.55 Days by Spacewarp Drive; 17.46 Hour Interwave Lag]
Primary: Dagr
Nadir Charging Point: “UNSS Caladan”
I: Helheim {D}
II: Alfheim {F14; Moon Skidbladnir}
III: Midgard {K2}
IV: Yggdrasil {M1; CitD 3077 Population 38,750,000; Moons Urthur, Verthandi, and Skuld; Tannhauser Gate; Continents Hyborea (north) and Aquilonia (south); Cimmerian borderlands (northern iceline); .81G; 50% surface water; in ice age; 28 hour day; 331 Earth day year}
Example Colonies [Settlement, Region/State, Continent]:
Queendom of Aquilonia
Tarantia {capital; Tannhauser Research Institute}
Casterbridge, Wessex, Hyborea {Ministry of Magic; militia Royal Wessex Rangers}
V: Asgard {S}
VI: Vanaheim {S}
VII: Svartalfheim {O10}
VIII: Nidavellir {D}
IX: Jotunheim {S; one of moons Utgard-Loki is O12}
X: Niflheim {T}
g. Vega System [Settlers: Slavic Federation]
[25.3 LY from Sol; 18.48 Days by Spacewarp Drive; 22.17 Hour Interwave Lag]
Primary: Skinfaxi
Zenith Charging Point: "UNSS Zhinü"
: Zirnitra {M; }
Example Colonies {Settlement, Region/State, Continent}:
Kitezh, Kvenland, Rodinia {Russian settlers}
, , Kenorland
, , Baltica
h. Great Crow Star System
p Eridani A / Yatagarasu System [Settlers: East Asian Alliance]
[26.3 LY from Sol; 7.3 Days by Spacewarp Drive; 8.77 Hour Interwave Lag]
Primary: Amaterasu
Nadir Charging Station: “UNSS Takamagahara”
I: Ame-no-Uzume
II: Sarutahiko Okami
III: Futsunushi
V: Inari {M2: Moon Tsukuyomi; oceans Shihotsuchi & Ohowatatsumi; four continents ???, Fu Sang, Gojoseon, and Onogoro; Onogoro [largest; Ikazuchi, Hachiman, and Ohoyamatsumi Mountain Ranges; Otohime Inland Sea; Seorituhime River; Takitsuhiko Falls; Kukunoshi Forest; Wakoku Archipelago; Uka-no-Mitama Lowlands (excellent rice-growing locale)]; Gojoseon [Sangsegyeong, Jungsegyeong, and Hasegyeog Plains; Sansin Mountain Range]}
Example Colonies [Settlement, Region/State, Continent]:
Nantwa, Tsushima Province, Onogoro {Yamato settlers}
Mirai, Ezochi Province, Onogoro {Ainu settlers}
Togenkyo, Liuqiu Islands, Onogoro {Ryukyuan settlers}
Asadal, Capital , Gojoseon {Republic of Korea settlers}
Tayouan, Yizhou, Fu Sang (Republic of China settlers)
VI: Susano'o {S; moons Raijin, Takemikazuchi, Takiokami, Shimatsuhiko, and Kuraokami}
VII: Amano-Iwato Asteroid Belt {dwarf planets Omoikane and Ame-no-Tajikarao}
VIII: Amenominakanushi {S; Moons Kunitokotachi, Izanami, Izanagi, and Homusubi}
p Epsilon B / Samjok-o System [Settlers: Not Inhabited, Terraforming Candidate]
II: Jowangsin
III: Samsin Halmoni
IV: Teojushin {marginally habitable?; mining location?}
V: Hwan-in {S; moons Dangun, Ungnyeo, and Hwan-ung}
VI: Bonpuri {T; moons Cheonjiwang, Bakiwang, Daebyeolwang, Sobyeolwang, Sumyeongmangja, Dangchilseong, Maehwa, Mago, Mireuk, and Seokga}
p Epsilon C / Jinwu System [Settlers: Not Inhabited, Terraforming Candidate]
i. 61 Virginis System [Settlers: Pan-Asian Cooperative (PRC-Supported Non-Chinese)]
[27.81 LY from Sol; 20.31 Days by Spacewarp Drive; 24.37 Hour Interwave Lag]
Zenith Recharging Point: “UNSS ”
II: habitable
Example Colonies [Settlement, Region/State, Continent]
, , (Lao settlers)
Tong Binh, , {Vietnamese settlers}
, , (Sri Lankan settlers)
, , (DPRepublic of Korea settlers)
, , (Bangladesh settlers)
IV: Asteroid Belt
j. Chara System [Settlers: Latin American Federation]
Primary: Chara
Nadir Recharging Station: "UNSS Asterion"
I: B'alam (most Mayan languages "jaguar")
II: Machu Pichu Asteroid Belt {named after name of sole dwarf planet there}
III: Cipactli {M1; continents Aztlán, Chicomoztoc, Tamoanchan, and Paititi}
Example Colonies [Settlement, Region/State, Continent]:
Sulaco, Costaguana Republic, Aztlán {national capital}
Gran Isabella Isle, Costaguana Republic, Aztlán {fish town}
San Tomé, Costaguana Republic, Aztlán {monastic community}
Esmeralda, Occidental Province, Aztlán {planet capital}
IV: Tenochitlan {Class K15; ocean has life-filled geothermal-heated pockets; world in "Snowball Earth"-style period}
V: Los Noches {unusually large void between Tenochitlan and Mesoamerica}
VI: Mesoamerica {gas supergiant; major moons Olmec, Aztec, Inca, Nazca, Toltec, Maya, Muisca, Tenohican, and Chavin [irregular orbits; may be captured dwarf planets from Los Noches]}
k. Eta Cassiopeiae A System [Settlers: United American States of Gwynned]
[19.42 LY from Sol; 14.18 Days by Spacewarp Drive; 17.02 Hour Interwave Lag]
Primary: Achird
I: Mag Ildathach
II: Tír nAill
III: Annwyn {gas giant 149.34 Earth day year; Gardener station}
III-L: Gwynedd {50,000 to 52,387,000 in CitD 3077; semi-tropical; 97 hour day; 21.53 Earth day orbit; "GCAS Prydwen"}
Example Colonies [Settlement, Region/State, Continent]:
Vespucci, Blue Coast, Terra Nova {capital}
New Philadelphia, Grand Plains, Columbia {American settlers}
Glenndale, Green Acres, Laurentia {Canadian settlers}
Eta Cassiopeiae B: "Cassie" {unofficial}
l. Rigil Kentaurus B System [Settlers: Fenspace Convention]
[4.22 LY from Sol; 3.21 Days by Spacewarp Drive; 3.85 Hour Interwave Lag]
Primary: Hyperion
I: Nessus
II: Eurynomus
III: Chiron {Saganville [pop. 12,500]; other 12,500 spread out}
Deep Space Four Station {pop. 700}
m. Lalande 21185 System [Settlers: Fenspace Convention]
[8.31 LY from Sol; 6.07 Days by Spacewarp Drive; 7.29 Hour Interwave Lag]
Gatewood (Rainbow's End Station; 1,250,000 in CitD 3077)
n. 40 Eridani System [Settlers: United Federation of Planets]
[16.45 LY from Sol; 12.02 Days by Spacewarp Drive; 14.42 Hour Interwave Lag]
Primary: Keid A
I: Surak
IIA: Vulcan {Mount Seleya [Hall of Ancient Thought; al-Dar Mosque; Ethiopian Orthodox cathedral and monastery; RCC Jesuit church; Buddhist monastery]; 7,500 to 16,500,000 in CitD in 3077; .87G; 99.95 surface water; temperate; 38.75 hour day; 182 Earth day year}
Example Colonies [Settlement, Region/State, Continent]:
Shi'Kar, n/a, Great Ocean {capital}
IIB: T'kut {warm Mars; Raptor's Wings [anarchist commune defense unit]}
o. Zeta 1 Reticuli System [Settlers: Sozvezdie Soviet]
[39.53 LY from Sol; 28.88 Days by Spacewarp Drive; 34.65 Hour Interwave Lag]
Primary: Prometheus
Zenith Recharging Station: "UNSS Silmarillion"
I: Elemmire {small Mercury-type planet with dense iron core}
II: Earendil {warm terrestrial world covered almost entirely by deep ocean; resembles in some ways the popular conception of Venus before the beginning of the space age; would probably be considered a paradise
save for the extremely dense atmosphere consisting of mostly nitrogen and helium with only 3% free oxygen; at 4.1 bar (the rough atmospheric pressure at sea level on Earendil) the mixture of nitrogen, helium and oxygen present in the atmosphere is breathable by Earth life (not a pleasant experience by any means, but doable)}
III: Arda {Free Cities of Osgiliath, Ithilien, & Dol Amroth, Anduin Valley, People's Republic of Gondor, continent Endor; Gondor Free University; southern hemisphere Earthers emigrated to continent Beleriand; Aulë Foundation}
Moon Valinor {terraformed moon smaller than Luna; biosphere from Arda; completed around 30,000 years ago}
Stargate "Night's Door"
III: Carnil {large shallow oceans; extensive mountain ranges; life hasn't really developed past the algae-and-fish stage; continental masses are largely uncolonized, while the oceans have extensive biospheres based on subsurface mats of kelplike plants}
IV: Alcarinque {Jupiter-type world; rings more extensive than Saturn's}
V: Lumbar {gas giant}
VI: Nenar {Neptunian ice dwarf with larger than normal number of moons}
VII: Lunil {ice dwarf}
VIII: Morgoth {ice dwarf; moon Sauron has extensive volcanic activity}
p. Zeta Tucanae System [Settlers: Stellvia Corporation and Chartered Thule Company]
[28.03 LY from Sol; 20.47 Days by Spacewarp Drive; 24.57 Hour Interwave Lag]
Primary: Therbeeo
Zenith Recharging Station: "UNSS ???"
I: Baltia
II: Krocylea
III: Scheria
IV: Thule {Moon [150% Luna-sized]; .993G; 456.9 Earth Day Orbit; 19.59 Hour Local Day; 6 million year ice age; skies are cloudless more often than not; much of temperate inland is desert; only in places where glacial runoff collects into rivers is there much surface life, mostly hardy plants with some animals adapted to the constant cold; largest land animal discovered by explorers is Thulian ice-weasel, a quadraped dinosauroid that lives in and around the glacial rivers; Equatorial ocean Okeanos; [Charter: Kingdom of Monaco]}
Example Colonies {Settlement, Region/State, Continent}:
Mandeville {capital; population >2,500}
"SCSS Eyrie," Island-Class Habitat Ship, Orbit
V: Aegilips
VI: Same
VII: Neritum
VIII: Panchaea
IX: Ogygia
X: Aeaea
q. Epsilon Eridani System [Settlers: United Federation of Planets]
[10.5 LY from Sol; 7.67 Days by Spacewarp Drive; 9.2 Hour Interwave Lag]
Primary: Abraxas
?: Arcadia {Axanar Station (Millennium Tower-Class Terrestrial Settlement); Devonian stage of development; large oceans teaming with life; plants and ferns have colonized surface; likely terraformed; 12 hour day; 1 moon; popular tourist destination for multi-week cruises; Iconian Gate crashed on surface at unknown point; the Handwavium-incorporating, seven-gendered species Sparks feed on Gate energy}
<WARNING: UFP Arcadian Ecological Preservation Area>
<Admittance Requires Following Guidelines from Federation Council>
<1. Commercial exloitation and mining are forbidden.>
<2. Tourists are required to leave no trash behind.>
r. Alpha Centauri System <Rigil Kentaurus A> [Settlers: United Federation of Planets]
[4.39 LY from Sol; 3.21 Days by Spacewarp Drive; 3.85 Hour Interwave Lag]
Primary: Apollo
I: Klymene
II: Epimetheus {gas giant}
Moon: Pandora {Ewya, Hallelujah Plateau (population 2,500)}
Starbase 2 Station [SB-002]
Pablo's Cajun Sushi Bar and Hominy House
Artemis Foundation Local Office
III: Anchiale {slightly-denser, marginally more habitable Mars}
IV: Perses
V: Leto
VI: Cronus
s. 47 Ursae Majoris System [Settlers: European Confederation]
[45.91 LY from Sol; 33.54 Days by Spacewarp Drive; 40.25 Hour Interwave Lag]
Primary: Neto
Nadir Recharging Station: "UNSS Beaumonde"
I: Rosmerta
II: Artio {M1; Moons Tartessos and Knossos; five continents Scandinavia, Gaul, Thrace, Hispania, and Sarmatia}
Example Colonies {Settlement, Region/State, Continent}:
Europia, Capital Territory, Sarmatia {planetary capital}
Nova Roma, Etruscan Coast, Sarmatia {Italian settlers}
Lutetia, Belle Terre, Gaul {French settlers}
Neustadt, Rhaetia, Gaul {German settlers}
Nysa, Tritonis Sea, Thrace {Greek settlers}
Norubega, Vinland, Scandinavia {Norwegian settlers}
Mussor, ???, Scandinavia {Finnish settlers}
Royllo, Isla Antillia, Hispania {Spanish settlers}
III: Nabia
IV: Intarabus
V: Taranis
VI: Epona
VII: Alaunus
VIII: Aveta
IX: Borvo
t. 85 Pegasi A System [Settlers: Commonwealth of the Pacific]
[40.45 LY from Sol; 29.55 Days by Spacewarp Drive; 35.46 Hour Interwave Lag]
Primary: Tama-nui-te-ra <Maori>
Zenith Charging Station: "UNSS Adlaw"
I: Mahuika {molten ball}
II: Hawaiki {Moons Fati, Mahina, and Avatea; supercontinent Mu ("shaped like a jagged, funhouse mirror starburst") and large eastern, western, and southern island groups; tropical and subtropical mainly, while temperate towards poles; .91G; 67% surface water; complex life is present; planet oxygenated through mats of oceanic cyanobacteria; local Great Oxygenation Event estimated at 10,700,000 years ago; surprisingly, life has developed in a series of landlocked freshwater lakes, apparently independent of the sea; complex ecosystem has evolved to colonize wetlands surrounding lakes out to 700 kilometers at furthest stretch; declared Permanent International Mu Preserve, no allowance for settlement, development, or exploitation; steps (?) taken to prevent encroachment by introduced species; introduced Earth life adapting well to colonizing surface; isolated small bays sealed off [method?] for marine life introduction}
Example Colonies {Settlement, Region/State, Continent}:
Awaiting Partial Terraforming
"SV 'Ohana", Island-Class Habitat Ship, Orbit {lit "family"}
III: Poliahu {frozen world ala Hoth}
IV: Pele {extremely volcanic superterrestrial; toxic atmosphere} <Hawaian>
V: Bathala {Class T gas supergiant; extensive moon system} <Tagalog>
Moon Idiyanale (colonial domes assisting with the terraforming by growing flora/fauna and mining resources have been founded as permanent to semi-permanent settlements}
VI: Ika-Roa {Class S gas giant} <Maori>
u. CD -32°8179 A System [Settlers: Cosmic British Commonwealth]
[31.11 LY from Sol; 22.73 Days by Spacewarp Drive; 27.27 Hour Interwave Lag]
Primary: Belenus
Zenith Recharging Station: “UNSS Doggerbank”
I: Morrigan {S}
II: Rhiannon Asteroid Belt
III: Ainé {B}
IV: Ogma {M1: moons Danu & Dagda; continents Alba, Prydain, Eriu, Dyfed, and Lyonesse; Oceans Britannia, Caledonia, Dunmonia, Hibernia, and Cambria}
Example Colonies {Settlement, Region/State, Continent}:
Teamhair, Moytura, Eriu {Republic of Ireland settlers}
Emain Macha, Ulaid, Eriu {Northern Irish settlers}
Caer Wyddno, Cantre'r Gwaelod, Dyfed {Welsh settlers}
Camelot, Camlann, Dyfed {capital}
Londenium, Logres, Prydain {English settlers}
Damnar, Lethowsow, Prydain {Cornish & Manx settlers}
Stadacona, Montmorency Island, Lyonesse {Canadian settlers}
Dun Scaith, Midlands, Alba {Scottish settlers}
Fairhaven, Fairfield, Lyonesse {Australian settlers}
New Cape Town, Bechuanaland, Alba {South African settlers}
V: Brigid {K8}
VI: Cernunnos {D}
CD -32°8179 B: Belisama
v. System [Settlers: People's African Union]
Lake Uniamési, Laurasia
, Gondwana
w. Nemesis System [Settlers: Fenspace Convention, Azkaban Prison Authority]
Primary: Nemesis (Nickname: Voldemort's Eye)
I. Azkaban
Example Colonies {Settlement, Region/State, Continent}:
Azkaban Prison
Port Malfoy
x. Gliese 667 C System [Settlers: ?]
[22.74 LY from Sol; 16.61 Days by Spacewarp Drive; 19.93 Hour Interwave Lag]
Primary: Ra
Zenith Recharging Station: “UNSS Duat”
I: {Moon }
II: Thoth {Moons Ma'at and Isfet}
III: Zerzura {Class M; moons Khonsu; extensive underground aquifers}
Example Colonies {Settlement, Region/State, Continent}:
IV: Khnum {superterrestrial; Moon Heka}
IV-A: Heka {M}
V: Amun {S; moons Mut, Wosret, Amaunet, Iusaaset}
VI: Shu {T; moons Horus, Anubis, Nut, Geb, Tefnut, Osiris, Isis, Nepthys, Set, Kebechet, Min, and Anput}
VII: Asteroid Belt {dwarf planets Ptah, Bast, Sekhmet, Maahes, and Nefertem}
VIII: Heka {S; moons Babi, Bes, Nemty, Nekhbet, Tawaret, and Gengen-Wer}
IX: {S; Ammit, Sobek, Serqet, Heket, Hapi, Neith, and Hathor}
X: Meretseger {moons Apophis and Shezmu}
Gliese 667 A and B: <Other Sun Deities for Names: Khepri, Aten, or Montu?>
y. Epsilon Indi / Wonderland Star System [Settlers: Terraforming Candidate]
z. Wolf 359 System (Settlers: Tycho Brahe Institute for Interstellar Research)
Primary: Fenris
I. Heimdal (Class S1)
II & III. Binary Planets
II. Muspellsheimr (Class Y345/K10)
Baystation: Reykjavik Station (base for TBIIR)
III. Nifelheimr (Class Y345/F13)
IV: Hel (Class S3; moons Garmr, Geri, and Freki)
“In politics, stupidity is not a handicap.” – Napoleon Bonaparte
“They opened up a can’a dumbass!” – Jon Stewart regarding Fox News, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
“Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself.” – Harvey Fierstein
“They opened up a can’a dumbass!” – Jon Stewart regarding Fox News, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
“Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself.” – Harvey Fierstein